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Updated on 29 October 2024

To create a new bucket:

  1. Go to the S3 Storage section and click Create.

  2. Select the required storage size. 

  3. Specify the bucket type (you can change this later):

    • Private: Only the administrator will have access to this bucket and its contents. Choose this type for data that requires restricted access.

    • Public: Authorization is not required to access data in a public bucket, making it suitable for data accessible to a broad audience.

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  1. In the Storage Information section, specify a name for your bucket or keep the suggested default. Bucket names may only contain lowercase Latin letters, numbers, and hyphens.

    • If you previously created and deleted a bucket with a specific name, you will not be able to reuse that name. Each bucket name must be unique.

  2. Choose the project to which you want to add the bucket.

  3. Click Order.

The bucket will be created instantly and will appear in the control panel, allowing you to start uploading files to storage.

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Updated on 29 October 2024

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