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Server Images

Updated on 01 August 2024

Using server images, you can:

  • Upload your images to the control panel.
  • Create images of your Hostman servers.
  • Deploy new servers using images in the control panel.
  • Download the images and then deploy servers at other cloud providers.

You can also use images as a way to backup data. When you create an image of a Hostman server, it creates a complete complete copy of your cloud server  in Qcow2 format, including all operating system settings, software and all server content. 

Unlike backups and snapshots created in the Hostman panel, images are stored separately from the server and will not be lost when the server is deleted. You can always access them through the Images section.

Images are available for servers located in the Netherlands and Poland.

Images are provided for free.

If the balance runs out and the account is blocked, images will be deleted in 7 days.

Create an Image

You cannot create a server image if there is a screenshot created for the server.

  1. Go to the Cloud servers section and click on the server.
  2. In the Images tab, click on the plus sign next to the disk.

03ba4fea D35e 4d92 8e49 Dfd530216147

  1. Enter a comment, if necessary, to make it easier to navigate the list of images.
  2. Click Create.

The image will be created in a couple of minutes.

You can find all the images created on the account in the Cloud serversImages section of your control panel.

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Download an Image

To download an image:

  1. Go to the Cloud serversImages section.
  2. Hover over the image and click Download. The image file will be downloaded to your device.

Без Названия

You can also download an image from the server’s page.

  1. Go to the Cloud servers section.
  2. Click on the server.
  3. In the Images tab, click on the Created images: N link.

Fbc3f115 2e41 4544 8d4b 864103341d10

  1. Hover over the image and click Download. The file will begin downloading to your device.

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Upload a Custom Image

You can upload an image from your computer or via URL. 

The image should be in one of the following formats: iso, vmdk, vhd, vhdx, vdi, raw, img and qcow2.

The maximum file size is 100 GB.

To upload a custom image to your control panel:

  1. Go to the Cloud serversImages section
  2. Click Upload image.
  3. Select the region where you want to store the image.
  4. Select the OS so that the logo displays later in the Images section, for easier navigation.
  5. Select the image file on your machine or enter an URL.
  6. Click Upload.

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You can also upload images when creating a new server or reinstalling an existing one:

7d90dd87 8741 445c A21b 75a9dcc3cac8

Create a Server from an Image

To create a server using an image:

  1. Go to Cloud servers and click Create.

  2. In the Custom images tab, select an existing image or click New image to upload a new one.

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  1. Complete creating the server.

You can also create servers from the Cloud serversImages section. Hover over the image and click Create server from image.

A202ea24 3933 4b4b B71c Da4737bad5c3

You will be redirected to the server creation page to complete the order. 

Reinstall a Server from an Image

You can reinstall a server using any of the images available on your account.

  1. Go to the Cloud servers section and click on the server.
  2. In the Plan tab, click Reinstall
  3. Select the image in the Custom image tab.

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Upload an Image to Google Drive

You can upload your server images from the Hostman dashboard to your Google Drive.

Before proceeding, make sure that you have enough free space on your Google Drive, otherwise, the upload will be interrupted mid-stream.


Google Drive has a daily traffic limit of 750 GB. Once you reach this limit, you won't be able to upload anything to Google Drive for the rest of the day.

  1. Go to the Cloud serversImages section.

  2. Hover over the image and click Upload to external storage.

4839e06e 8446 45c9 9071 E8df4684e61e

  1. Change the file name if necessary and click Upload.

  2. Select the Google account and confirm the download.

  3. The first time you try to upload an image, you will need to allow access to your Google Drive. Simply follow the suggested steps. Afterwards the download will start.

You can also upload an image to Google Drive from a server’s page.

  1. Go to Cloud servers and click on the server.

  2. In the Images tab, click on the Created images: N link

  3. Hover over the image and click Upload to external drive.

The remaining steps are the same as when uploading from the Images section.

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Updated on 01 August 2024

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