Updated on 29 October 2024

Connecting to a Bucket and Working with Files

The S3 storage supports access via the Amazon S3 API and Swift API. You can find the credentials for S3 and Swift in the Settings tab in your control panel.

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You can connect to the storage and manage files (upload, modify, delete) in various ways:

  • You can use an S3 API client. This can be a file manager like Cyberduck or any other tool that supports the S3 protocol, such as S3cmd, Rclone, AWS CLI, S3 Browser, and many more.

  • You can implement the connection to the storage in your application’s code using programming language libraries for the S3 protocol.

  • You can upload files using the object manager in the control panel.

The storage supports AWS Signature versions v2 and v4.

To access the files, you can use URLs like: 


If the file is located in a directory inside a bucket, the URL will be:


You can also access files in public buckets using the Virtual-hosted style addressing model, in which case the bucket name is included in the hostname: 


You can also access the bucket through your custom domain by linking it. 

Files in a public bucket can be accessed via a browser or another HTTP client by using the file URL.

You can also access files in a private bucket through HTTP, but you need to include an additional authentication signature in the request as HTTP headers. For more details, see the description of how to work with S3.

The upload speed for files to or from a bucket is 1 Gbps.

Changing Storage Size

You can upgrade the bucket plan if you need more storage space. It is not possible to downgrade the plan.

To change the plan: 

  1. Click on the bucket in the control panel.

  2. In the Settings tab, click Change storage size.

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  1. Select the new plan and save the changes. 

The storage space will increase immediately.

Action History

You can view the actions performed on the bucket in the History tab.

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The following events are logged:

  • Creating and deleting buckets
  • Changing bucket size
  • Linking domains
  • Issuing SSL certificates
  • Data transfer

Deleting a Bucket

Deleting a bucket will remove the bucket and all files within it. 

To delete a bucket, click on the three dots next to the bucket in the S3 Storage section:

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Or click the delete icon in the bucket settings:

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In the popup window, enter the bucket name to confirm deletion.

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Updated on 29 October 2024

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