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Server Hardening

Server Hardening
Hostman Team
Technical writer
Reading time: 18 min

Server hardening is the process of improving security by reducing vulnerabilities and protecting against potential threats.

There are several types of hardening:

  1. Physical: A method of protection based on the use of physical means, such as access control systems (ACS), video surveillance, safes, motion detectors, and protective enclosures.
  2. Hardware: Protection implemented at the hardware level. This includes trusted platform modules (TPM), hardware security modules (HSM, such as Yubikey), and biometric scanners (such as Apple Touch ID or Face ID). Hardware protection measures also include firmware integrity control mechanisms and hardware firewalls.
  3. Software: A type of hardening that utilizes software tools and security policies. This involves access restriction, encryption, data integrity control, monitoring anomalous activity, and other measures to secure digital information.

We provide these examples of physical and hardware hardening to give a full understanding of security mechanisms for different domains. In this article, we will focus on software protection aspects, as Hostman has already ensured hardware and physical security.

Most attacks are financially motivated, as they require high competence and significant time investments. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand what you are protecting and what losses may arise from an attack. Perhaps you need continuous high availability for a public resource, such as a package mirror or container images, and you plan to protect your resource for this purpose. There can be many variations. First, you need to create a threat model, which will consist of the following points:

  • Value: Personal and public data, logs, equipment, infrastructure.
  • Possible Threats: Infrastructure compromise, extortion, system outages.
  • Potential Attackers: Hacktivists, insider threats, competitors, hackers.
  • Attack Methods: Physical access, malicious devices, software hacks, phishing/vishing, supply chain attacks.
  • Protection Measures: Periodic software updates, encryption, access control, monitoring, hardening—what we will focus on in this article.

Creating a threat model is a non-trivial but crucial task because it defines the overall “flow” for cybersecurity efforts. After you create the threat model, you might need to perform revisions and clarifications depending on changes in business processes or other related parameters.

While creating the threat model, you can use STRIDE, a methodology for categorizing threats (Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of Privilege), and DREAD, a risk assessment model (Damage, Reproducibility, Exploitability, Affected Users, Discoverability). For a more formalized approach, you can also refer to ISO/IEC 27005 or NIST 800-30 standards.

There will always be risks that can threaten both large companies and individual users who recently ordered a server to host a simple web application. The losses and criticality may vary, but from a technical perspective, the most common threats are:

  • DoS/DDoS: Denial of service or infrastructure failure, resulting in financial and/or reputational losses.
  • Supply Chain Attack: For example, infecting an artifact repository, such as a Container Registry: JFrog Artifactory, Sonatype Nexus.
  • Full System Compromise: Includes establishing footholds and horizontal movement within the infrastructure.
  • Using your server as a launchpad for complex technological attacks on other resources. If this leads to serious consequences, you will likely spend many hours in court and incur significant financial costs.
  • Gaining advantages by modifying system resources, bypassing authentication, or altering the logic of the entire application. This can lead to reputational and/or financial losses.

Some of these attacks can be cut off early or significantly complicated for potential attackers if the server is properly configured.

Hardening is not a one-time procedure; it is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adaptation to new threats.

The main goal of this article is to equip readers with server hardening techniques.

However, in the context of this article, we will discuss a more relevant and practical example—server protection.

After ordering a server, we would normally perform the initial setup. This is typically done by system administrators or DevOps specialists. In larger organizations, other technical experts (SecOps, NetOps, or simply Ops) may get involved, but in smaller setups, the same person who writes the code usually handles these tasks. This is when the most interesting misconfigurations can arise. Some people configure manually: creating users, groups, setting network configurations, installing the required software; others write and reuse playbooks—automated scripts.

In this article, we will go over the following server hardening checklist:

  1. Countering port scanning
  2. Configuring the Nginx web server
  3. Protecting remote connections via SSH
  4. Setting up Port Knocking
  5. Configuring Linux kernel parameters
  6. Hardening container environments

If you later require automation, you can easily write your own playbook, as you will already know whether specific security configurations are necessary.

Countering Port Scanning

Various types of attackers, from botnet networks to APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups, use port scanners and other device discovery systems (such as,,, etc.) that are available on the internet to search for interesting hosts for further exploitation and extortion.

One popular network scanner is Nmap. It allows determining "live" hosts in a network and the services running on them through a variety of scanning methods. Nmap also includes the Nmap Script Engine, which offers both out-of-the-box functionality and the possibility to add custom scripts.

To scan resources using Nmap, an attacker would execute a command like:

nmap -sC -sV -p- -vv --min-rate 10000 $IP


  • $IP is the IP address or range of IP addresses to scan.
  • -sC enables the script engine.
  • -sV detects service versions.
  • -vv (from "double verbose") enables detailed output.
  • --min-rate 10000 is a parameter defining how many requests are sent in one go. In this case, an aggressive mode (10,000 units) is selected. Additionally, the rate modes can be adjusted separately with the flag -T (Aggressive, Insane, Normal, Paranoid, Polite, Sneaky).

Example of a scan result is shown below. From this information, we can see that three services are running:

  • SSH on port 22
  • Web service on port 80
  • Web service on port 8080


The tool also provides software versions and more detailed information, including HTTP status codes, port status (in this case, "open"), and TTL values, which help to determine if the service is in a container or if there is additional routing that changes the TTL.

Thus, an attacker can use a port scanner or search engine results to find your resource and attempt to attack based on the gathered information.

To prevent this, we need to break the attacker's pattern and confuse them. Specifically, we can make it so that they cannot identify which port is open and what service is running on it. This can be achieved by opening all ports: 2^16 - 1 = 65535. By "opening," we mean configuring incoming connections so that all connection attempts to TCP ports are redirected to port 4444, on which the portspoof utility dynamically responds with random signatures of various services from the Nmap fingerprint database.

To implement this, install the portspoof utility. Clone the appropriate repository with the source code and build it:

git clone
cd portspoof
./configure && make && sudo make install

Note that you may need to install dependencies for building the utility:

sudo apt install gcc g++ make

Grant execution rights and run the automatic configuration script with the specified network interface. This script will configure the firewall correctly and set up portspoof to work with signatures that mask ports under other services.

sudo chmod +x $HOME/portspoof/system_files/init.d/
sudo $HOME/portspoof/system_files/init.d/ start $NETWORK_INTERFACE

Where $NETWORK_INTERFACE is your network interface (in our case, eth0).

To stop the utility, run the command:

sudo $HOME/portspoof/system_files/init.d/ stop eth0

Repeating the scan using Nmap or any other similar program, which works based on banner checking of running services, will now look like this:


Image source:

There is another trick that, while less effective as it does not create believable service banners, allows you to avoid additional utilities like portspoof.

First, configure the firewall so that after the configuration, you can still access the server via SSH (port 22) and not disrupt the operation of existing legitimate services.

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j RETURN

Then, initiate the process of redirecting all TCP traffic to port 5555:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5555

Now, create a process that generates pseudo-random noise on port 5555 using NetCat:

nc -lp 5555 < /dev/urandom

These techniques significantly slow down the scan because the scanner will require much more time to analyze each of the 65,535 "services." Now, the primary task of securing the server is complete!

Configuring the Nginx Web Server

Nmap alone is not sufficient for a comprehensive analysis of a web application. In addition to alternatives like naabu from Project Discovery and rustscan, there are advanced active reconnaissance tools. These not only perform standard port scanning but specialize in subdomain enumeration, directory brute-forcing, HTTP parameter testing (such as dirbuster, gobuster, ffuf), and identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in popular CMS platforms (wpscan, joomscan) and specific attacks (sqlmap for SQL injections, tplmap for SSTI).

These scanners work by searching for endpoints of an application, utilizing techniques like brute-forcing, searching through HTML pages, or connected JavaScript files. During their operation, millions of iterations occur comparing the response with the expected output to identify potential vulnerabilities and expose the service to exploitation.

To protect web applications from such scanners, we suggest configuring the web server. In this example, we’ll configure Nginx, as it is one of the most popular web servers.

In most configurations, Nginx proxies and exposes an application running on the server or within a cluster. This setup allows for rich configuration options.

To enhance security, we can add HTTP Security Headers and the lightweight and powerful ChaCha20 encryption protocol for devices that lack hardware encryption support (such as mobile phones). Additionally, rate limiting may be necessary to prevent DoS and DDoS attacks.

HTTP headers like Server and X-Powered-By reveal information about the web server and technologies used, which can help an attacker determine potential attack vectors.We need to remove these headers.

To do this, install the Nginx extras collection:

sudo apt install nginx-extras

Then, configure the Nginx settings in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

server_tokens off;
more_clear_headers Server;
more_clear_headers 'X-Powered-By';

Also, add headers to mitigate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack surface:

add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self' http: https: data: blob: 'unsafe-inline'" always;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";

And protect against Clickjacking:

add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";

You can slow down automated attacks by setting request rate limits from a single IP address. Do this only if you are confident it won't impact service availability or functionality.

A sample configuration might look like this:

http {
    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=req_zone:10m rate=10r/s;

    server {
        location /api/ {
            limit_req zone=req_zone burst=20 nodelay;

This configuration limits requests to 10 per second from a single IP, with a burst buffer of 20 requests.

To protect traffic from MITM (Man-in-the-Middle) attacks and ensure high performance, enable TLS 1.3 and configure strong ciphers:

ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_ciphers "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256";
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

You can also implement additional web application protection using a WAF (Web Application Firewall). Some free solutions include:

  • BunkerWeb — Lightweight, popular, and effective WAF.
  • ModSecurity — A powerful Nginx module with flexible rules.

To perform basic configuration of ModSecurity, you can install it like this:

sudo apt install libnginx-mod-security2

Then, enable ModSecurity in the Nginx configuration:

server {
    modsecurity on;
    modsecurity_rules_file /etc/nginx/modsecurity.conf;

Use Security Headers to analyze HTTP headers and identify possible configuration errors.

When configuring any infrastructure components, it's important to follow best practices. For instance, to create secure Nginx configurations, you can use an online generator, which allows you to easily generate optimal base settings for Nginx, including ciphers, OCSP Stapling, logging, and other parameters.


Protecting Remote Connections via SSH

If your server is still secured only by a password, this is a quite insecure configuration. Even complex passwords can eventually be compromised, especially when outdated or vulnerable versions of SSH are in use, allowing brute force attacks without restrictions, such as in CVE-2020-1616. Below is a table showing how long it might take to crack a password based on its complexity


Image source:

It’s recommended to disable password authentication and set up authentication using private and public keys.

  1. Generate a SSH key pair (public and private keys) on your workstation:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C $EMAIL

Where $EMAIL is your email address, and -t ed25519 specifies the key type based on elliptic curve cryptography (using the Curve25519 curve). This provides high performance, compact key sizes (256 bits), and resistance to side-channel attacks.

  1. Copy the public key to the server.

Read your public key from the workstation and save it to the authorized_keys file on the server, located at $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys (where $HOME is the home directory of the user on the server you are connecting to). You can manually add the key or use the ssh-copy-id utility, which will prompt for the password.

ssh-copy-id user@$IP

Alternatively, you can add the key directly through your Hostman panel. Go to the Cloud serversSSH Keys section and click Add SSH key.  

00ff0ac8 9bbf 4cf9 9c1e 07f1b26d4985.png

Enter your key and give it a name.

F1223238 762b 43cf 8170 16e228029a5f.png

Once added, you can upload this key to a specific virtual machine or add it directly during server creation in the 6. Authorization section.

Ab8a4173 8122 4b14 9b1d 5842617648a3.png

To further secure SSH connections, adjust the SSH server configuration file at /etc/ssh/sshd_config by applying the following settings:

  • PermitRootLogin no — Prevents login as the root user.
  • PermitEmptyPasswords no — Disallows the use of empty passwords.
  • X11Forwarding no — Disables forwarding of graphical applications.
  • AllowUsers $USERS — Defines a list of users allowed to log in via SSH. Separate usernames with spaces.
  • PasswordAuthentication no — Disables password authentication.
  • PubkeyAuthentication yes — Enables public and private key authentication.
  • HostbasedAuthentication no — Disables host-based authentication.
  • PermitUserEnvironment no — Disallows changing environment variables to limit exploitation through variables like LD_PRELOAD.

After adjusting the configuration file, restart the OpenSSH daemon:

systemctl restart sshd

Finally, after making these changes, you can conduct a security audit using a service like ssh-audit or this website designed for SSH security checks. This will help ensure your configuration is secure and appropriately hardened.

Configuring Port Knocking

SSH is a relatively secure protocol, as it was developed by the OpenBSD team, which prides itself on creating an OS focused on security and data integrity. However, even in such widely used and serious software, software vulnerabilities occasionally surface.

Some of these vulnerabilities allow attackers to perform user enumeration. Although these issues are typically patched promptly, it doesn't eliminate the fact that recent critical vulnerabilities, like regreSSHion, have allowed for Remote Code Execution (RCE). Although this particular exploit requires special conditions, it highlights the importance of protecting your server's data.

One way to further secure SSH is to hide the SSH port from unnecessary visibility. Changing the SSH port seems pointless because, after the first scan by an attacker, they will quickly detect the new port. A more effective strategy is to use Port Knocking, a method of security where a "key" (port knocking sequence) is used to open the port for a short period, allowing authentication.

  1. Install knockd using your package manager:

sudo apt install knockd -y
  1. Configure knockd by editing the /etc/knockd.conf file to set the port knocking sequence and the corresponding actions. For example:


    sequence = 7000,8000,9000
    seq_timeout = 5
    command = /usr/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s %IP% -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
    tcpflags = syn

    sequence = 9000,8000,7000
    seq_timeout = 5
    command = /usr/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -s %IP% -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
    tcpflags = syn
    • sequence: The port sequence that needs to be "knocked" (accessed) in the correct order.
    • seq_timeout: The maximum time allowed to send the sequence (in seconds).
    • command: The command to be executed once the sequence is received correctly. It typically opens or closes the SSH port (or another service).
    • %IP%: The client IP address that sent the sequence (the one "knocking").
    • tcpflags: The SYN flag is used to filter out other types of packets.
  1. Start and enable knockd to run at boot:

sudo systemctl enable --now knockd
  1. Use knock or nmap to send the correct port knocking sequence:

Example command with nmap:

nmap -Pn --max-retries 0 -p 7000,8000,9000 $IP

Example command with knock:

knock $IP 7000 8000 9000

Where $IP is the IP address of the server you're trying to connect to.

If everything is configured correctly, once the correct sequence of port knocks is received, the SSH port (port 22) will temporarily open. At this point, you can proceed with the standard SSH authentication process.

This technique isn't limited to just SSH; you can configure port knocking for other services if needed (e.g., HTTP, FTP, or any custom service).

Port knocking adds an extra layer of security by obscuring the SSH service from the general public and only allowing access to authorized clients who know the correct sequence.

Configuring Linux Kernel Parameters

In today's insecure world, one of the common types of attack is Living off the Land (LOTL). This is when legitimate tools and resources are used to exploit and escalate privileges on the compromised system. One such tool that attackers frequently leverage is the ability to view kernel system events and message buffers. This technique is even used by advanced persistent threats (APTs).

It is important to secure your Linux kernel configurations to mitigate the risk of such exploits. Below are some recommended settings that can enhance the security of your system.

To enable ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization), set these parameters:

  • kernel.randomize_va_space = 2: Randomizes the memory spaces for applications to prevent attackers from knowing where specific processes will run..
  • kernel.kptr_restrict = 2: Restricts user-space applications from obtaining kernel pointer information.

Also, disable system request (SysRq) functionality:

kernel.sysrq = 0

And restrict access to kernel message buffer (dmesg):

kernel.dmesg_restrict = 1

With this configuration, an attacker will not know a program's memory address and won't be able to infiltrate any important process for exploitation purposes. They will also be unable to view the kernel message buffer (dmesg) or send debugging requests (sysrq), which will further complicate their interaction with the system.

Hardening Container Environments

In modern architectures, container environments are an essential part of the infrastructure, offering significant advantages for developers, DevOps engineers, and system administrators. However, securing these environments is crucial to protect against potential threats and ensure the integrity of your systems.

To protect container environments, it's essential to adopt secure development practices and integrate DevSecOps alongside existing DevOps methodologies. This also includes forming resilient patterns and building strong security behaviors from an information security perspective.

Use minimal images, such as Google Distroless, and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools to check the security of your images.

You can use the following methods to analyze the security of an image.

  1. Docker Scout and Docker SBOM for generating a list of artifacts that make up an image.

Install Docker Scout and Docker SBOM as plugins for Docker. 

Create a directory for Docker plugins (if it doesn't exist):

mkdir -pv $HOME/.docker/cli-plugins

Install Docker Scout:

curl -sSfL | sh -s --

Install Docker SBOM:

curl -sSfL | sh -s --

To check for vulnerabilities in an image using Docker Scout:

docker scout cves gradle

6f9eb055 E109 48c4 Ae5c 58d9a2b16a50

To generate an SBOM using Docker SBOM (which internally uses Syft):

docker sbom $IMAGE_NAME

Dccc2d99 C2a9 4a09 Afdd D22181865de6

$IMAGE_NAME is the name of the container image you wish to analyze.

To save the SBOM in JSON format for further analysis:

docker sbom alpine:latest --format syft-json --output sbom.txt

sbom.txt will be the file containing the generated SBOM.

  1. Container Scanning with Trivy

Trivy is a powerful security scanner for container images. It helps identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Install Trivy using the following script:

curl -sfL | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v0.59.1

Run a security scan for a container image:

trivy image $IMAGE_NAME

$IMAGE_NAME is the name of the image you want to analyze.

For detailed output in JSON format, use:

trivy -q image --ignore-unfixed --format json --list-all-pkgs $IMAGE_NAME

Even with the minimal practices listed in this section, you can ensure a fairly decent level of container security.


Using the techniques outlined in the article, you can significantly complicate or even prevent a hack by increasing entropy. However, it is important to keep in mind that entropy should be balanced with system usability to avoid creating unnecessary difficulties for legitimate users.

Reading time: 18 min



How to Use SSH Keys for Authentication

Many cloud applications are built on the popular SSH protocol—it is widely used for managing network infrastructure, transferring files, and executing remote commands. SSH stands for Secure Socket Shell, meaning it provides a shell (command-line interface) around the connection between multiple remote hosts, ensuring that the connection is secure (encrypted and authenticated). SSH connections are available on all popular operating systems, including Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, and Debian. The protocol establishes an encrypted communication channel within an unprotected network by using a pair of public and private keys. Keys: The Foundation of SSH SSH operates on a client-server model. This means the user has an SSH client (a terminal in Linux or a graphical application in Windows), while the server side runs a daemon, which accepts incoming connections from clients. In practice, an SSH channel enables remote terminal management of a server. In other words, after a successful connection, everything entered in the local console is executed directly on the remote server. The SSH protocol uses a pair of keys for encrypting and decrypting information: public key and private key. These keys are mathematically linked. The public key is shared openly, resides on the server, and is used to encrypt data. The private key is confidential, resides on the client, and is used to decrypt data. Of course, keys are not generated manually but with special tools—keygens. These utilities generate new keys using encryption algorithms fundamental to SSH technology. More About How SSH Works Exchange of Public Keys SSH relies on symmetric encryption, meaning two hosts wishing to communicate securely generate a unique session key derived from the public and private data of each host. For example, host A generates a public and private key pair. The public key is sent to host B. Host B does the same, sending its public key to host A. Using the Diffie-Hellman algorithm, host A can create a key by combining its private key with the public key of host B. Likewise, host B can create an identical key by combining its private key with the public key of host A. This results in both hosts independently generating the same symmetric encryption key, which is then used for secure communication. Hence, the term symmetric encryption. Message Verification To verify messages, hosts use a hash function that outputs a fixed-length string based on the following data: The symmetric encryption key The packet number The encrypted message text The result of hashing these elements is called an HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code). The client generates an HMAC and sends it to the server. The server then creates its own HMAC using the same data and compares it to the client's HMAC. If they match, the verification is successful, ensuring that the message is authentic and hasn't been tampered with. Host Authentication Establishing a secure connection is only part of the process. The next step is authenticating the user connecting to the remote host, as the user may not have permission to execute commands. There are several authentication methods: Password Authentication: The user sends an encrypted password to the server. If the password is correct, the server allows the user to execute commands. Certificate-Based Authentication: The user initially provides the server with a password and the public part of a certificate. Once authenticated, the session continues without requiring repeated password entries for subsequent interactions. These methods ensure that only authorized users can access the remote system while maintaining secure communication. Encryption Algorithms A key factor in the robustness of SSH is that decrypting the symmetric key is only possible with the private key, not the public key, even though the symmetric key is derived from both. Achieving this property requires specific encryption algorithms. There are three primary classes of such algorithms: RSA, DSA, and algorithms based on elliptic curves, each with distinct characteristics: RSA: Developed in 1978, RSA is based on integer factorization. Since factoring large semiprime numbers (products of two large primes) is computationally difficult, the security of RSA depends on the size of the chosen factors. The key length ranges from 1024 to 16384 bits. DSA: DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) is based on discrete logarithms and modular exponentiation. While similar to RSA, it uses a different mathematical approach to link public and private keys. DSA key length is limited to 1024 bits. ECDSA and EdDSA: These algorithms are based on elliptic curves, unlike DSA, which uses modular exponentiation. They assume that no efficient solution exists for the discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curves. Although the keys are shorter, they provide the same level of security. Key Generation Each operating system has its own utilities for quickly generating SSH keys. In Unix-like systems, the command to generate a key pair is: ssh-keygen -t rsa Here, the type of encryption algorithm is specified using the -t flag. Other supported types include: dsa ecdsa ed25519 You can also specify the key length with the -b flag. However, be cautious, as the security of the connection depends on the key length: ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa After entering the command, the terminal will prompt you to specify a file path and name for storing the generated keys. You can accept the default path by pressing Enter, which will create standard file names: id_rsa (private key) and (public key). Thus, the public key will be stored in a file with a .pub extension, while the private key will be stored in a file without an extension. Next, the command will prompt you to enter a passphrase. While not mandatory (it is unrelated to the SSH protocol itself), using a passphrase is recommended to prevent unauthorized use of the key by a third-party user on the local Linux system. Note that if a passphrase is used, you must enter it each time you establish the connection. To change the passphrase later, you can use: ssh-keygen -p Or, you can specify all parameters at once with a single command: ssh-keygen -p old_password -N new_password -f path_to_files For Windows, there are two main approaches: Using ssh-keygen from OpenSSH: The OpenSSH client provides the same ssh-keygen command as Linux, following the same steps. Using PuTTY: PuTTY is a graphical application that allows users to generate public and private keys with the press of a button. Installing the Client and Server Components The primary tool for an SSH connection on Linux platforms (both client and server) is OpenSSH. While it is typically pre-installed on most operating systems, there may be situations (such as with Ubuntu) where manual installation is necessary. The general command for installing SSH, followed by entering the superuser password, is: sudo apt-get install ssh However, in some operating systems, SSH may be divided into separate components for the client and server. For the Client To check whether the SSH client is installed on your local machine, simply run the following command in the terminal: ssh If SSH is supported, the terminal will display a description of the command. If nothing appears, you’ll need to install the client manually: sudo apt-get install openssh-client You will be prompted to enter the superuser password during installation. Once completed, SSH connectivity will be available. For the Server Similarly, the server-side part of the OpenSSH toolkit is required on the remote host. To check if the SSH server is available on your remote host, try connecting locally via SSH: ssh localhost If the SSH daemon is running, you will see a message indicating a successful connection. If not, you’ll need to install the SSH server: sudo apt-get install openssh-server As with the client, the terminal will prompt you to enter the superuser password. After installation, you can check whether SSH is active by running: sudo service ssh status Once connected, you can modify SSH settings as needed by editing the configuration file: ./ssh/sshd_config For example, you might want to change the default port to a custom one. Don’t forget that after making changes to the configuration, you must manually restart the SSH service to apply the updates: sudo service ssh restart Copying an SSH Key to the Server On Hostman, you can easily add SSH keys to your servers using the control panel. Using a Special Copy Command After generating a public SSH key, it can be used as an authorized key on a server. This allows quick connections without the need to repeatedly enter a password. The most common way to copy the key is by using the ssh-copy-id command: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ name@server_address This command assumes you used the default paths and filenames during key generation. If not, simply replace ~/.ssh/ with your custom path and filename. Replace name with the username on the remote server. Replace server_address with the host address. If the usernames on both the client and server are the same, you can shorten the command: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ server_address If you set a passphrase during the SSH key creation, the terminal will prompt you to enter it. Otherwise, the key will be copied immediately. In some cases, the server may be configured to use a non-standard port (the default is 22). If that’s the case, specify the port using the -p flag: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ -p 8129 name@server_address Semi-Manual Copying There are operating systems where the ssh-copy-id command may not be supported, even though SSH connections to the server are possible. In such cases, the copying process can be done manually using a series of commands: ssh name@server_address 'mkdir -pm 700 ~/.ssh; echo ' $(cat ~/.ssh/ ' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' This sequence of commands does the following: Creates a special .ssh directory on the server (if it doesn’t already exist) with the correct permissions (700) for reading and writing. Creates or appends to the authorized_keys file, which stores the public keys of all authorized users. The public key from the local file ( will be added to it. Sets appropriate permissions (600) on the authorized_keys file to ensure it can only be read and written by the owner. If the authorized_keys file already exists, it will simply be appended with the new key. Once this is done, future connections to the server can be made using the same SSH command, but now the authentication will use the public key added to authorized_keys: ssh name@server_address Manual Copying Some hosting platforms offer server management through alternative interfaces, such as a web-based control panel. In these cases, there is usually an option to manually add a public key to the server. The web interface might even simulate a terminal for interacting with the server. Regardless of the method, the remote host must contain a file named ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, which lists all authorized public keys. Simply copy the client’s public key (found in ~/.ssh/ by default) into this file. If the key pair was generated using a graphical application (typically PuTTY on Windows), you should copy the public key directly from the application and add it to the existing content in authorized_keys. Connecting to a Server To connect to a remote server on a Linux operating system, enter the following command in the terminal: ssh name@server_address Alternatively, if the local username is identical to the remote username, you can shorten the command to: ssh server_address The system will then prompt you to enter the password. Type it and press Enter. Note that the terminal will not display the password as you type it. Just like with the ssh-copy-id command, you can explicitly specify the port when connecting to a remote server: ssh client@server_address -p 8129 Once connected, you will have control over the remote machine via the terminal; any command you enter will be executed on the server side. Conclusion Today, SSH is one of the most widely used protocols in development and system administration. Therefore, having a basic understanding of its operation is crucial. This article aimed to provide an overview of SSH connections, briefly explain the encryption algorithms (RSA, DSA, ECDSA, and EdDSA), and demonstrate how public and private key pairs can be used to establish secure connections with a personal server, ensuring that exchanged messages remain inaccessible to third parties. We covered the primary commands for UNIX-like operating systems that allow users to generate key pairs and grant clients SSH access by copying the public key to the server, enabling secure connections.
30 January 2025 · 10 min to read

How to Protect a Server from DDoS Attacks

A DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service) aims to overwhelm a network with excessive traffic, reducing its performance or causing a complete outage. This is reflected in the term "denial-of-service" (refusal of service). The frequency and intensity of DDoS attacks have been rising rapidly. A report by Cloudflare noted that in 2021, the number of attacks grew by one-third compared to 2020, with a peak in activity observed in December. The duration of a DDoS attack can vary. According to research by Securelist: 94.95% of attacks end within four hours. 3.27% last between 5 to 9 hours. 1.05% persist for 10 to 19 hours. Only 0.73% of all attacks extend beyond 20 hours. Effective Tools for Protecting a Server from DDoS Attacks If you don't want to rely on vendors' solutions, paid services, or proprietary software, you can use the following tools to defend against DDoS attacks: IPTables. A powerful firewall tool available in Linux systems that allows precise control over incoming and outgoing traffic. CSF (ConfigServer Security and Firewall). A robust security tool that simplifies managing firewall rules and provides additional protection mechanisms. Nginx Modules. Modules specifically designed for mitigating DDoS attacks, such as limiting the number of requests per IP or delaying excessive requests. Software Filters. Tools or scripts that analyze and filter traffic to block malicious or excessive requests, helping to maintain service availability. IPTables. Blocking Bots by IP Address The IPTables tool helps protect a server from basic DDoS attacks. Its primary function is to filter incoming traffic through special tables. The resource owner can add custom tables. Each table contains a set of rules that govern the tool's behavior in specific situations. By default, there are only two response options: ACCEPT (allow access) and REJECT (block access). In IPTables, it is possible to limit the number of connections.  If a single IP address exceeds the allowed number of connections, the tool will block access for that IP. You can extend the tool's functionality with additional criteria: Limit: Sets a limit on the number of packet connections within a chosen time period. Hashlimit: Works similarly to Limit, but applies to groups of hosts, subnets, and ports. Mark: Used to mark packets, limit traffic, and filter. Connlimit: Limits the number of simultaneous connections for a single IP address or subnet. IPRange: Defines a range of IP addresses that are not considered as a subnet by the tool. Additionally, IPTables can use criteria such as Owner, State, TOS, TTL, and Unclean Match to set personalized configurations, effectively protecting the resource from DDoS attacks. The ipset kernel module allows you to create a list of addresses that exceed the specified connection limit. The ipset timeout parameter sets a time limit for the created list, which is enough to ride out a DDoS attack. By default, IPTables settings return to their basic configuration after a system reboot. To save the settings, you can use additional utilities (such as iptables-save or iptables-persistent), but it is recommended to start with the default options to avoid saving incorrect settings that could block server access for everyone. ConfigServer Security and Firewall While IPTables is a convenient and effective tool, it can be quite complex to configure. You’ll need to learn how to manage it and write additional scripts, and if something goes wrong, your resource may end up being a "closed club" for just a few users. CSF (ConfigServer Security and Firewall) is a "turnkey" configurator, meaning you only need to set the correct parameters and not worry about the server's security. Installing the Server Firewall The preliminary installation steps involve downloading two additional components required to run CSF: the Perl interpreter and the libwww library. The next step is to install ConfigServer Security and Firewall itself. Since the tool is not available in the official repository, you'll need to download it directly from the provided link or by fetching the ready-made archive: cd /usr/srcwget After downloading, extract the archive and move it to the defender’s files folder. Then, run the installation process. Once installed successfully, you can proceed with configuring CSF. Configuring the Server Firewall By default, the settings in ConfigServer and Firewall are active for 5 minutes, after which any changes are reset. This test format is useful for conducting experiments and understanding errors in the applied configuration. To switch to live mode, change the Testing value to 0. Proper configuration of CSF ensures reliable protection against DDoS attacks. Here are some essential commands in CSF: Specify incoming ports: TCP_IN = "22,23,25,36,75,87" Specify outgoing ports: TCP_OUT = "22,23,25,36,75,87" Configure email notifications for SSH connections: LF_SSH_EMAIL_ALERT = "1" Add an IP address to the exception list (useful for server management teams): csf -a Block a specific IP address from connecting to the server: csf -d Nginx Modules How can you protect your server from DDoS attacks using simpler methods? Use Nginx modules like limit_conn and limit_req. The limit_conn module limits the maximum number of connections to the server, while the limit_req module limits the number of requests within a specified time frame. For example, if you want to limit the number of simultaneous connections to 30 and restrict the number of connections within a 3-second window, the configuration will look as follows: limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=perip: 30m;limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=dynamic:30m rate=3r/s; This configuration allows only 3 requests per second. Any additional requests are queued. The burst parameter controls the queue size. For example, if the burst value is set to 7, the module will queue up to 7 requests when the request count exceeds 10, while any further requests will be rejected with an error. Software Filter Server protection against DDoS attacks can also be achieved using web applications. A traffic filter uses JavaScript, which is inaccessible to bots, effectively redirecting DDoS attacks to a placeholder page. The operation of the filter is simple. The configuration defines conditions for blocking bots, and when a visitor meets those conditions, they are redirected to a placeholder page instead of the requested page. The filter can also specify the reason for the redirection.
03 December 2024 · 6 min to read

How to Protect a Server: 6 Practical Methods

Any IT infrastructure requires robust protection. While information security is a vast topic, there are basic steps that can safeguard against attacks from amateur hackers and bots. This article outlines six straightforward methods to protect your server effectively. Tools and Methods of Protection Securing a server from breaches involves a combination of measures. These can be categorized into the following areas: Securing communication channels used for system administration and operation. Implementing multi-layered security for the system. Restricting access to infrastructure resources. Monitoring and auditing system activities. Backing up data. Timely updates or rollbacks of software. Antivirus protection for servers. Below, we detail six practical methods to achieve a robust security level against amateur attackers and bots. Privilege Restriction When managing access to resources, follow the principle of least privilege: users and processes should only have the minimal permissions necessary to perform their tasks. This is particularly important for databases and operating systems. This approach not only prevents unauthorized external access but also mitigates risks from internal threats. Separate Accounts for Administrators: Create individual accounts for each admin. Use non-privileged accounts for operations that don’t require elevated permissions. Active Directory: In environments using Microsoft Active Directory, regularly audit and configure group policies. Mismanagement of these policies can lead to severe security breaches, especially if exploited by a malicious admin or hacker. Minimize Root Usage in Unix Systems: Avoid working as the root user. Instead, disable the root account and use the sudo program for tasks requiring elevated permissions. To customize sudo behavior, modify the /etc/sudoers file using the visudo command. Below are two useful directives for monitoring sudo activity. By default, sudo logs to syslog. To store logs in a separate file for better clarity, add the following to /etc/sudoers: Defaults log_host, log_year, logfile="/var/log/sudo.log" This directive records command logs, along with input and output (stdin, stdout, stderr), into /var/log/sudo-io: Defaults log_host, log_year, logfile="/var/log/sudo.log" For a deeper dive into managing the sudoers file, check this guide. Mandatory Access Control (MAC) This recommendation focuses on Linux systems and builds upon the principle of access control. Many Linux administrators rely solely on discretionary access control (DAC) mechanisms, which are basic and always active by default. However, several Linux distributions include mandatory access control (MAC) mechanisms, such as AppArmor in Ubuntu and SELinux in RHEL-based systems. While MAC requires more complex configuration of the OS and services, it allows for granular access control to filesystem objects, significantly enhancing the server's security. Remote Administration of Operating Systems When remotely administering an operating system, always use secure protocols: For Windows, use RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). For Linux, use SSH (Secure Shell). Although these protocols are robust, additional measures can further strengthen security. For RDP, you can block connections of accounts with blank passwords. You can configure it via Local Security Policy under the setting: Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only. RDP sessions can be protected with the secure TLS transport protocol, which will be discussed later. By default, SSH user authentication relies on passwords. Switching to SSH key-based authentication provides stronger protection, as a long key is far more difficult to brute-force than a password. Additionally, key-based authentication eliminates the need to enter a password during login since the key is stored on the server. Setting up keys requires only a few simple steps: Generate a key pair on your local machine: ssh-keygen -t rsa Copy the public key to the remote server: ssh-copy-id username@remote_address If key-based authentication is not an option, consider implementing Fail2ban. This tool monitors failed login attempts and blocks the IP addresses of attackers after a specified number of failed attempts. Additionally, changing default ports can help reduce the likelihood of automated attacks: Default SSH port 22/tcp → Choose a non-standard port. Default RDP port 3389/tcp → Use a custom port. Firewall Configuration A robust security system is layered. Relying solely on access control mechanisms is insufficient; it is more logical to manage network connections before they reach your services. This is where firewalls come in. A firewall provides network-level access control to segments of the infrastructure. The firewall decides which traffic to permit through the perimeter based on a specific set of allow rules. Any traffic that does not match these rules is blocked. In Linux, the firewall is integrated into the kernel (via netfilter), and you can manage using a frontend tool such as nftables, iptables, ufw, or firewalld. The first step in configuring a firewall is to close unused ports and keep only those that are intended for external access. For instance, a web server typically requires ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) to remain open. While an open port itself is not inherently dangerous (the risk lies in the program behind the port), it is still better to eliminate unnecessary exposure. In addition to securing the external perimeter, firewalls can segment infrastructure and control traffic between these segments. If you have public-facing services, consider isolating them from internal resources by using a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). Additionally, it’s worth exploring Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS). These solutions work on the opposite principle: they block security threats while allowing all other traffic through. Hostman offers a cloud firewall that provides cutting-edge defense for your server. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Up until now, we have focused on protecting a single server. Let’s now consider securing multiple servers. The primary purpose of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is to provide secure connectivity between organizational branches. Essentially, a VPN creates a logical network over an existing network (e.g., the Internet). Its security is ensured through cryptographic methods, so the protection of connections does not depend on the underlying network's security. There are many protocols available for VPNs, and the choice depends on the size of the organization, network architecture, and required security level. PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) is a simple option for a small business or home network, as it is widely supported on routers and mobile devices. However, its encryption methods are outdated. For high-security needs and site-to-site connections, protocols like IPsec are suitable. For site-to-host connections, options like WireGuard are more appropriate. WireGuard and similar protocols provide advanced security but require more intricate configuration compared to PPTP. TLS and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Many application-layer protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP, were developed in an era when networks were limited to academic institutions and military organizations long before the invention of the web. These protocols transmit data in plaintext. To ensure the security of a website, web control panels, internal services, or email, you should use TLS. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a protocol designed to secure data transmission over an untrusted network. While the term SSL (e.g., SSL certificates, OpenSSL package) is often mentioned alongside TLS, it’s important to note that the modern versions of the protocol are TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. Earlier versions of TLS and its predecessor, SSL, are now considered obsolete. TLS provides privacy, data integrity, and resource authentication. Authentication is achieved through digital signatures and the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKI functions as follows: the server's authenticity is verified using an SSL certificate, which is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA’s certificate is, in turn, signed by a higher-level CA, continuing up the chain. The root CA certificates are self-signed, meaning their trust is implicitly assumed. TLS can also be used with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), such as setting up client authentication using SSL certificates or a TLS handshake. In this case, it would be necessary to organize your own PKI within the local network, including a CA server, as well as the keys and certificates for network nodes. The Dangers of Attackers The level of threat depends on the type of attack. Cyberattacks can be broadly categorized into two main types. Breaching the Security Perimeter This type of attack involves gaining unauthorized access to the account of an authenticated user of a service or system, such as a database. Breaches of privileged accounts pose significant risks because attackers gain the ability to view sensitive information and modify system parameters. The most critical type of breach involves gaining unauthorized access to the superuser account of the operating system, potentially compromising a significant portion of the infrastructure. Disabling Systems This category of attacks aims to disrupt system operations rather than steal data, but it is no less dangerous. The most prominent example is a DoS (Denial of Service) or DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. These attacks overload the server with a flood of requests, causing it to fail and become unresponsive to legitimate users. In some cases, a DoS attack serves as a precursor to other forms of cyberattacks. The results of cyberattacks often include data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. For this reason, even the most basic level of security should be implemented when establishing an IT infrastructure.
02 December 2024 · 8 min to read

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