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Using the JQ Command to Process JSON on the Command Line

Using the JQ Command to Process JSON on the Command Line
Adnene Mabrouk
Technical writer
Reading time: 5 min

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become the go-to format for data interchange, thanks to its lightweight structure and ease of use. However, working with JSON data directly from the command line can be challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets or needing to perform complex operations. Enter JQ—a powerful command-line tool designed to make JSON processing simple and efficient. Whether you’re a developer looking to manipulate JSON data on the fly or a sysadmin needing to extract specific information from an API response, JQ can significantly enhance your workflow.

What is JQ?

JQ is a lightweight and flexible command-line processor for JSON data. It allows you to slice, filter, map, and transform structured data with ease. Unlike traditional text-processing tools such as grep, awk, or sed, which are designed for flat text, JQ is specifically tailored for JSON, enabling you to navigate and manipulate nested structures effortlessly. With its powerful and expressive query language, JQ can handle a variety of tasks, from simple data extraction to complex transformations, making it an indispensable tool for anyone working with JSON.

Installation of JQ

JQ is available on most platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Here’s how you can install it on your system:

  • Linux: Most Linux distributions include JQ in their package repositories. You can install it using your package manager:

sudo apt-get install jq      # Debian/Ubuntu
sudo yum install jq          # RHEL/CentOS
  • macOS: If you use Homebrew, you can install JQ with:

brew install jq
  • Windows: You can download a precompiled binary from the JQ website and add it to your system's PATH, or use a package manager like Chocolatey:

choco install jq

Basic Usage of JQ

Once JQ is installed, you can start using it to process JSON data. The basic syntax for using JQ is:

jq <filter> <json-file>

You can also pipe JSON data directly into JQ from other commands or files. For example, to pretty-print JSON data from a file:

jq . data.json

Parsing JSON Data

Parsing JSON data with JQ is straightforward. The . filter is used to access the entire JSON structure. To extract specific elements, you can specify the keys or use indexing for arrays.

Assume data.json contains the following content :

  "employees": [
    {"name": "John", "age": 30, "department": "Sales"},
    {"name": "Jane", "age": 25, "department": "Marketing"},
    {"name": "Doe", "age": 35, "department": "Development"}
  • Extract the entire list of employees:

jq '.employees' data.json
  • Extract the name of the first employee:

jq '.employees[0].name' data.json

Filtering JSON Data

JQ’s powerful filtering capabilities allow you to extract only the data you need. You can use comparison operators, logical operators, and functions to filter JSON data effectively:

  • Filter employees older than 30:

jq '.employees[] | select(.age > 30)' data.json
  • Display the names and departments of all employees:

jq '.employees[] | {name: .name, department: .department}' data.json

Modifying JSON Data

JQ is not just for reading JSON data—it also allows you to modify it. You can change values, add or remove elements, and even transform the entire structure. Unless you redirect JQ output to a file, the output is just displayed on the console.

  • Update an employee’s department:

jq '.employees[0].department = "Customer Support"' data.json
  • Add a new field to each employee:

jq '.employees[] += {"status": "active"}' data.json
  • Remove the age field from all employees:

jq '.employees[] | del(.age)' data.json

Combining JQ Commands

One of the strengths of JQ is the ability to chain multiple commands together to perform complex transformations in a single command. You can use the pipe (|) operator to pass the output of one JQ command as input to another:

  • Filter employees in the Sales department and update their status:

o   First, let's change the department of the first employee and save the result back into the data.json file:

jq '.employees[0].department = "Customer Support"' data.json > temp.json && mv temp.json data.json

o   Now, add a "status": "active" field to all employees and save the changes:

jq '.employees[] += {"status": "active"}' data.json > temp.json && mv temp.json data.json 
  • After updating the JSON data with the "status": "active" field, you can now filter and extract the names of all active employees:

jq '[.employees[] | select(.status == "active") | .name]' data.json

Practical Examples

To illustrate the power of JQ, here are a few practical examples (data.json has the initial content):

  • Extract all department names:

jq '.employees[].department' data.json
  •  Calculate the average age of employees:

jq '[.employees[].age] | add / length' data.json
  • Convert the list of employees to CSV format:

jq -r '.employees[] | [.name, .age, .department] | @csv' data.json

Common Use Cases

JQ is widely used in various scenarios, such as:

  • API Data Processing: Extracting and transforming data from API responses.

  • Configuration Management: Parsing and modifying JSON configuration files.

  • Log Analysis: Filtering and analyzing JSON-formatted logs.

  • Data Transformation: Converting JSON data into different formats or structures.


JQ is a versatile and powerful tool for anyone who works with JSON data regularly. From simple data extraction to complex transformations, JQ’s expressive command language and ease of use make it an essential part of the modern command-line toolkit. By mastering JQ, you can significantly streamline your data processing tasks and enhance your productivity, whether you’re developing software, managing systems, or analyzing data.


Reading time: 5 min

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