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JSON vs. XML: Comparing Popular Data Exchange Formats

JSON vs. XML: Comparing Popular Data Exchange Formats
Hostman Team
Technical writer
Reading time: 16 min

In the modern programming and web development world, successful communication between different applications and systems hinges on reliable and swift information transfer. Developers need to handle not just simple configuration parameters but also complex data exchanges with external APIs and web services. Two key data exchange formats come into play here: XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). These formats are central to this domain, offering developers robust tools for transmitting, storing, and structuring information.

XML and JSON, each with its unique structure and approach, provide methods to organize data so that both humans and machines can easily understand it. In this article, we will explore the difference between JSON and XML and attempt to determine which format is optimal for specific use cases.

What is XML?

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a universal markup language designed for exchanging structured data between systems. Introduced in 1998, XML set new standards for storing and transferring information.

XML organizes information into a structure described through hierarchies using tags. Tags serve as data element identifiers and establish relationships between them. Each tag has a name and can contain attributes and nested elements:

<element_name attribute="value">
  Element content

In this example, <element_name> and </element_name> are opening and closing tags that define the start and end of the element, respectively.

The main components of an XML document are elements, attributes, and text content:

Elements are the primary data blocks in XML, enclosed by tags, e.g.:

  <title>XML for Beginners</title>
  <author>Mary Smith</author>

In this example, the <book> element contains two nested elements, <title> and <author>, representing information about a book.

Attributes provide additional information about an element. They are specified within the tag and appear as name= "value":

<book category="Programming">
  <title>XML for Beginners</title>
  <author>Mary Smith</author>

Text content can also be part of elements:

  <title>XML for Beginners</title>
  <author>Mary Smith</author>
  <description>This book is for those who are just starting to learn XML</description>

A key advantage of XML is its support for schemas, which allows you to define a strict data structure and validate it. An XML schema provides a set of rules and constraints that an XML document must follow to be considered valid. It specifies allowed elements, attributes, their sequence, nesting levels, and data types for textual content. There are two main approaches for describing XML schemas: DTD (Document Type Definition) and XSD (XML Schema Definition).

DTD (Document Type Definition) is a structure defined either within the XML document itself or separately, containing rules for formatting and validating data. DTD allows specifying allowed elements, their relationships, attributes, and their data types. Example of DTD for defining a simple XML document about a bookstore:

<!DOCTYPE bookstore [
  <!ELEMENT bookstore (book+)>
  <!ELEMENT book (title, author, price, description?)>
  <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT price (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

Here, we defined a <bookstore> element containing one or more <book> elements. Each book <book> consists of <title>, <author>, <price>, and may contain an optional <description> element.

XSD (XML Schema Definition) offers a more advanced and flexible approach to structuring data in XML than DTD. The main advantage of XSD is its ability to perform more detailed and comprehensive data validation. XSD is a separate XML document that supports a wide range of data types, providing a more precise representation of structure:

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
<xs:element name="book">
      <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="author" type="xs:string"/>

This example defines a book element using XSD. The schema specifies the presence of two elements inside it and defines their data types as "string".

Applications of XML

XML is widely used across various domains, providing a flexible way to organize and transfer structured data:

  • Web Services: XML is the standard format for information exchange between web services. XML supports complex structures and can represent any data that can be described in a tree-like structure. For example, SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a standard XML-based messaging protocol. Web services use SOAP to send XML-formatted messages over the network.

  • Content Syndication: This refers to distributing information from one site to multiple resources. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) and Atom are popular XML formats for news feeds. They provide a standardized way for users to subscribe to site updates like new articles, blogs, news, etc. RSS and Atom formats allow websites to "package" updates in a standard XML format that can be read by various client applications known as news aggregators.

  • File Formats: Some programs use XML to represent their data. For example, Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel) use the Office Open XML format for their files. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a language that describes two-dimensional vector graphics in XML.

  • Configuration Files: XML is often used to store program and service configuration data because it is well-structured and easy to read by both humans and machines. For example, Hibernate configuration files (hibernate.cfg.xml) define database connection properties, class mappings, and other settings. Another example is the Spring Bean Configuration file: in the Spring Framework, XML configuration files define beans (objects) managed by the Spring IoC container.

  • Databases: Although XML may not be the most efficient way to store data due to its verbosity, it is still used in databases for data exchange and sometimes for storage. For instance, Oracle XML DB is a feature of Oracle Database that allows the storage of XML documents as relational columns and supports XQuery for querying XML data. PostgreSQL also supports XML, allowing storage of XML documents and querying using XPath.

  • Network Protocols: XML is part of many protocols, as it provides a convenient, universal, and scalable way to represent data. For example, XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is a network protocol that uses XML to exchange instant messages and presence information (e.g., online or offline status) in real time. WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an extension of HTTP that adds file manipulation capabilities on a web server. XML is used within the protocol for transmitting metadata and structured information about files and resources on the server.

  • Electronic Business Documentation: XML is a reliable and universal format for representing structured data in electronic business documentation. For example, UBL (Universal Business Language) is a set of standard XML formats for exchanging typical business documents such as invoices, orders, and shipping notices.

These examples illustrate that XML plays a key role in organizing structured data across various fields, providing flexibility and versatility. However, with technological advancements, it has become evident that there is a need for a lighter and more compact data exchange format for some scenarios.

What is JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a compact and easy-to-use data interchange format introduced in 2001. It is based on JavaScript object syntax but is not limited to use only in JavaScript. The two primary data structures in JSON are objects and arrays:

  1. Objects in JSON are unordered collections of key-value pairs. Keys (names) and values are separated by colons, and commas separate pairs. Curly braces denote the beginning and end of an object:
"title": "JSON for Beginners",
"author": "Mary Smith"
  1. Arrays represent an ordered list of values. Values in an array are separated by commas. Arrays start with an opening square bracket and end with a closing square bracket:

These two structures can be combined to create more complex data hierarchies in JSON. For example, objects can contain nested objects or arrays, and arrays can contain objects or other arrays.

A key feature of JSON is its ability to represent various data types using a limited set of primitive types, such as strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, and nested objects. This flexibility makes it ideal for transmitting structured data in applications, web services, and APIs.

Additionally, for more formal data structure description in JSON, there is a JSON Schema specification that allows defining rules and requirements for JSON data, ensuring its validation:

  "structure": "object",
  "parameters": {
      "fullname": {"structure": "unicode"},
      "years": {"structure": "numeric"}
  "compulsory": ["fullname", "years"]

This JSON Schema example specifies that the data should be an object with the required fields full name and years, where filename is a string and years is a numeric value.

Application of JSON

Let's explore some practical use cases for JSON:

  • Web APIs: Most web services use JSON to send data to their APIs. For example, when using a RESTful API, the server often sends data in JSON format.

    • For instance, with the YouTube Data API, you can send a GET request specifying the video ID if you want to retrieve information about a video. In response, you will receive a JSON object with all the data about the video.

    • Another example is the GitHub API, which allows developers to interact with the GitHub platform. This includes retrieving information about repositories, users, commits, and other aspects of the service. Data is returned in JSON format.

  • Databases: JSON is also supported by many types of databases. MongoDB, one of the most popular NoSQL databases, uses BSON, a binary form of JSON, for storing documents.

    • Some classic SQL databases, such as PostgreSQL and MySQL, also offer functions for working with JSON. They can store JSON as a string and provide built-in functions for working with the data.

  • Configuration Files: JSON is often used to save configurations in web applications. In modern web development, the package.json file stores project information and dependencies in Node.js projects.

    • Another example is Webpack, a modern JavaScript module bundler that uses the webpack.config.js file for configuration settings. Although the file itself is a JavaScript file, it often contains JSON-like objects for configuration.

  • Data Transfer Between Client and Server: When sending requests to a server (e.g., submitting a form or requesting data), the server typically responds in JSON format. This data can then be easily processed and displayed on the client side.

  • Data Visualization: JSON is ideal for structuring data for display on charts or graphs. Many visualization libraries, such as D3.js, Plotly, or Highcharts, can accept data in JSON format to create charts and graphs. The method of structuring data will vary depending on the library used, as each library has its unique approach to handling data.

  • Using Data in JavaScript: JSON, as the name implies, is based on JavaScript objects. This makes working with data easier since you can convert it from JSON to JavaScript without parsing or formatting data.

  • Testing Data: JSON can also be used to create fake data for testing web applications.

Both JSON and XML coexist successfully and are being applied in different scenarios. Let's discuss the advantages and limitations of both formats.

Advantages of XML

  • Namespace Support: Namespaces in XML are used to avoid conflicts when defining tags or elements that might have the same name in an XML document. This is especially significant in large systems or when integrating multiple data sources where name conflicts are likely.

  • Extensibility: XML can be extended to create its own tags and document structures, making it a flexible solution for various tasks.

  • Style Support: XML supports XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language), which allows transforming and styling XML documents for display in different formats like HTML, PDF, and others.

  • Metadata and Annotations: XML allows metadata to be included directly in the document, which can be important for some applications. In JSON, this requires creating additional structures.

  • Security: XML supports digital signatures and encryption, making it more secure for exchanging confidential data.

Advantages of JSON

  • Clarity and Accessibility: JSON provides a more streamlined and understandable structure than XML, making it more comfortable for developers to read and write code.

  • Performance: JSON generally requires less space than XML due to the absence of closing tags. This leads to faster and more efficient data transfer.

  • Data Structure Support: JSON supports basic data types, such as numbers, strings, and booleans, as well as complex types, including arrays and objects. Representing complex data structures in XML requires more resources and encoding.

  • Support for Multiple Programming Languages: For example, a web application written in JavaScript (client-side) and server-side implemented in Python can easily format data in JSON on the client side and send it to the server for processing. This format compatibility across various languages provides flexibility and convenience when developing applications using JSON.

Limitations of XML

  • Complexity: XML introduces numerous concepts such as DTD (Document Type Definitions), namespaces, XSLT (XML Transformations), etc., which can be complex to understand and learn, especially compared to the simpler JSON.

  • Parsing Requirement: XML data needs to be parsed (or "well-formed") before use, which can incur CPU and processing time costs.

  • More Complex Data Structure: Unlike JSON, which can directly represent complex data structures, XML requires more effort to encode such structures.

  • Lack of Native Data Type Support: XML does not treat data as specific types (e.g., numbers, booleans); all data is interpreted as text.

Limitations of JSON

  • Lack of Comments: Despite JSON's advantages over XML, the standard JSON syntax does not allow comments. This can be a drawback when explanations or annotations in the code are needed.

  • Limited Data Type Support: JSON supports a limited number of data types. For example, it lacks support for dates and times, which can lead to discrepancies between programming languages when exchanging data.

  • No Schema Support: Unlike XML, JSON does not have built-in support for defining and validating data structure. This can complicate establishing and enforcing rules.

JSON vs XML: Comparison

Here is a summary of the key differences between these formats:





Simple and concise, easily readable

More formal, verbose, harder to read without experience

Comment Support

Generally absent

Supported using <!-- comment -->


Often faster to process in browsers

Can be less efficient with large data volumes


Faster and easier to parse, preferred for quick web apps and RESTful APIs

Requires more resources for parsing and analyzing data

Namespace Support

Not supported

Supported, useful in large systems and integrating multiple data sources

Which Format to Choose?

We have examined two main data exchange formats—XML and JSON. Both are widely used for storing and transferring data, but each has its own characteristics and advantages.

JSON is a simple and compact format that is easy to read and write. It is quickly parsed, making it ideal for fast web applications and RESTful APIs. However, JSON does not support comments or namespaces and lacks built-in metadata support.

On the other hand, XML supports a wider range of data types, namespaces, and metadata. It allows for the description of complex and hierarchical data structures. However, XML can be more complex to read and parse.

The choice between JSON and XML often depends on the format supported by the specific service you are working with. Understanding this aspect is crucial for proper service utilization and effective data processing. To determine which data format is supported by the service, you can use the following approaches:

  • Review API Documentation: Most services provide documentation for their APIs that includes information about supported data formats. If the service supports multiple formats, the documentation may also indicate how to specify the desired format in your request.

  • Send a Test Request: If the documentation is unclear or unavailable, you can send a test request to the API and check the response headers. HTTP headers are part of the HTTP request or response structure that contain additional information:

    • The Content-Type header specifies the media type for the HTTP request or response body. This lets the web service know what type of data to expect or what type it is sending.

      • For example, Content-Type: application/json indicates that the request or response will contain data in JSON format. Similarly, Content-Type: application/xml signifies that the data will be in XML format.

    • The Accept header is used by the client to inform the server about the media types it can accept and process. This can be very useful if the web service supports multiple media formats.

      • For instance, if the client can handle data in both JSON and XML formats, it can use the Accept header with both media types separated by a comma: Accept: application/json, application/xml. The web service will then choose one of the supported formats.

  • Contact Support: If you cannot find the needed information or are unsure of your understanding, you can always reach out to the service's support team for assistance.


When choosing between XML and JSON for data exchange between services, it is important to consider both external and internal requirements. External requirements may include the API you are working with or user preferences. Internal requirements involve your own code, application architecture, and your ability to handle specific data formats.

JSON is often the more optimal choice if there are no strict requirements for using a particular data format. It is easy to read and quickly parsed and is generally considered a universal format, primarily for web environments and mobile applications.

However, the ideal scenario is to support both formats. That is when your application or web service can handle both XML and JSON, depending on specific requirements or user preferences. This provides maximum flexibility and backward compatibility, which is a significant advantage in the rapidly changing world of technology.

Reading time: 16 min

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