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Hostman Cloud: Installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu

Hostman Cloud: Installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu
Mohammad Waqas Shahid
Technical writer
Ubuntu LAMP
Reading time: 7 min

The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) stands as a foundational element in web development. This guide navigates users through the efficient installation process on Ubuntu 22.04 via Hostman Cloud. Users can explore the advantages of the LAMP stack, such as its open-source flexibility and strong community support, making it a preferred choice for developers seeking a reliable foundation.

Unleashing LAMP Potential

The power of Ubuntu and Hostman Cloud collaborates seamlessly to offer an optimal environment for hosting web applications. The user-friendly interface of Ubuntu, coupled with the scalability of Hostman Cloud, simplifies the setup of a LAMP stack. This dynamic collaboration streamlines the process, ensuring a smooth journey for developers, whether seasoned or new to hosting.

Simple Steps for Installation

Users can follow the logical and straightforward installation steps for the LAMP stack on Ubuntu 22.04 via Hostman Cloud. From initiating the Ubuntu server to optimizing Hostman Cloud's scalability, this guide empowers users to effortlessly set up and manage their LAMP stack for enhanced web development. The installation process unfolds, allowing users to tap into the full potential of Ubuntu and Hostman Cloud for their web projects.


  • A Hostman Cloud account.
  • An Ubuntu server instance on Hostman Cloud (Ubuntu version used for this tutorial is 22.04).

Step 1: Accessing Your Ubuntu Server

  1. Log in to Hostman Cloud account through the link


  1. Navigate to project and select the Ubuntu server where the LAMP stack is to be installed.


After clicking the server, start the server by the play button and scroll down and copy the SSH command and root password for the Ubuntu server.


  1. Access the server through the web-based terminal provided by Hostman or use preferred SSH client. For this tutorial accessing through SSH is used.


Step 2: Update System Packages

Before installing any software, it's recommended to update system's package list. Updating the system's package list before installation ensures that the latest software versions, bug fixes, and security updates are fetched from repositories, enhancing system stability and security. This practice also ensures compatibility with the most recent software releases.

The following code is to be written in terminal to update system packages of Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade


Type y and hit Enter.

After upgrade, the following screen will appear:


In this popup, you are prompted to select which services should be restarted after the installation process. The services listed are part of the systemd system and are related to various system functionalities.

Here's a brief explanation of the options:

  • systemd-journald.service: The journal service, which handles system logs.

  • systemd-logind.service: The login service, which manages user logins.

  • systemd-manager: The service manager for the system.

  • systemd-networkd.service: The network service, responsible for network configuration.

  • systemd-resolved.service: The DNS resolver service.

  • systemd-timesyncd.service: The time synchronization service.

  • unattended-upgrades.service: A service for automatically applying package updates.

  • [email protected]: A user-specific service (user 0 refers to the root user).

For a typical LAMP stack installation, it is generally safe to restart the following services:

  • systemd-journald.service

  • systemd-manager

  • systemd-networkd.service

  • systemd-resolved.service

  • systemd-timesyncd.service

Arrow keys can be used to navigate to each service and press the spacebar to select or deselect them. Once selections are made, press Enter to proceed.

Step 3: Install Apache

Installing the Apache web server is crucial for web hosting, handling HTTP requests, and serving web content. Apache is an industry-standard, stable, and secure web server, making it an ideal choice for hosting diverse web projects. Integrating seamlessly into the LAMP stack, Apache ensures compatibility with Linux servers and plays a fundamental role in establishing a robust environment for dynamic web development. The installation of Apache on the Ubuntu server, using Hostman Cloud, is a key step for creating a reliable and versatile web hosting solution.

The following code is to be written in terminal to install the Apache web server:

sudo apt install apache2 

Start and enable Apache to run on system boot:

sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2


Step 4: Install MySQL

Installing MySQL Server is essential for managing and storing data in web applications. MySQL is a widely-used relational database management system, providing a robust and scalable solution. By installing MySQL, users can create and manage databases that seamlessly integrate with the Apache web server and other components of the LAMP stack. This installation is a critical step in establishing a comprehensive environment for dynamic web development on the Ubuntu server via Hostman Cloud.

The following code is to be written in terminal to install MySQL Server:

sudo apt install mysql-server

Secure your MySQL installation:

sudo mysql_secure_installation


Follow the on-screen prompts to set and secure other aspects of the MySQL installation.

Step 5: Install PHP

Installing PHP and its modules is essential for enabling server-side scripting and dynamic content in web applications. PHP integrates seamlessly with the Apache web server, a key component of the LAMP stack. This installation ensures the server's ability to process PHP scripts, facilitating the creation of interactive and dynamic web applications on the Ubuntu server via Hostman Cloud.

The following code is to be written in terminal to install PHP and required modules:

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql

A series of options for set up will appear, say yes to all.

Restart Apache for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Step 6: Testing the LAMP Stack

The following code is to be written in terminal to create a test PHP file to ensure your LAMP stack is working:

 echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" | sudo tee /var/www/html/info.php

Open a web browser and navigate to http://your_server_ip/info.php. The PHP info page will appear.


For those seeking a deeper understanding of specific steps or wanting to explore advanced configurations, we've included extra information below.

Advanced Configuration and Extra Information

Securing Apache Installation

One crucial aspect after setting up Apache is enhancing its security. Consider modifying the default configuration to limit exposure and protect against potential vulnerabilities. It can be accomplished by adjusting access controls, disabling unnecessary modules, and configuring SSL for encrypted communication.

To secure Apache installation, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apache configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


Review and adjust access controls as needed. Consider limiting access to specific directories and setting up authentication if required. To activate the new configuration, the following command can be used:

systemctl restart apache2
  1. Disable unnecessary modules. For example, to disable the server-status module:

sudo a2dismod status
  1. Enable SSL for encrypted communication. Install the SSL module and generate a self-signed certificate:

sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo systemctl restart apache2

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Advanced MySQL Configuration

For advanced MySQL configurations, such as optimizing database performance, configuring replication, or setting up user privileges, refer to the official MySQL documentation or explore additional tutorials tailored to required specific requirements.

Remember to regularly backup the databases and implement a robust security strategy to protect sensitive data.


Congratulations! Installation steps are complete for LAMP stack installation on Ubuntu servers via Hostman Cloud, creating an optimized environment for web development with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. This robust combination establishes a solid foundation for hosting and deploying dynamic websites and web applications.

Ubuntu LAMP
Reading time: 7 min

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