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How To Use Rsync to Sync Local and Remote Directories

How To Use Rsync to Sync Local and Remote Directories
Adnene Mabrouk
Technical writer
Reading time: 5 min

In the realm of data synchronization, Rsync stands tall as a versatile and robust tool capable of synchronizing files and directories both locally and over a network. Whether you're managing backups, deploying files, or mirroring data between systems, understanding Rsync is essential for efficient data management. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to harness the full power of Rsync.


Before diving into Rsync, ensure you have access to a Unix-like system such as Linux or macOS, as Rsync is primarily designed for these environments. Familiarity with basic command-line operations will also be beneficial.

Please note that Rsync and SCP are both tools for transferring files between systems, but they have key differences. Rsync is more efficient for synchronizing files and directories, as it transfers only the changed portions of files and can compress data during transfer, reducing bandwidth usage. It also preserves file permissions, timestamps, and other attributes by default. SCP, on the other hand, is simpler and transfers entire files without checking for changes, making it suitable for straightforward, one-time transfers but less efficient for ongoing synchronization tasks.

Install Rsync

Most Unix-like systems come with Rsync pre-installed. However, if it isn't available on your system or you need a newer version, installation is straightforward.

For Debian/Ubuntu systems, use:

sudo apt-get install rsync

For Red Hat/CentOS systems, use:

sudo yum install rsync

Basic Rsync Syntax

Rsync follows a simple syntax pattern:

rsync options source destination

Where source specifies the directory or files you want to synchronize, and destination is the target directory.

Syncing Local Directories

To copy directories or files on the same system:

rsync -avh /path/to/source /path/to/destination

The -a flag syncs recursive directories, preserves permissions, timestamps, and other attributes, while -v provides verbose output and -h provide human-readable output.

Syncing Remote Directories

Synchronizing between different systems typically involves using Rsync over SSH:

rsync -avz -e ssh /path/to/source user@remote:/path/to/destination

The -z flag compresses data during transfer, reducing bandwidth usage.

Using Rsync with SSH

Rsync's ability to synchronize files securely over SSH makes it ideal for managing data between different systems. Here’s how to set up and use Rsync with SSH effectively:

  1. SSH Key Setup: Before using Rsync with SSH, ensure SSH keys are set up for authentication. This eliminates the need for entering passwords during synchronization, enhancing security and automation. Use ssh-keygen to generate a key pair if not already done, and then use ssh-copy-id to copy the public key to the remote server.

ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id user@remote
  1. Basic Rsync with SSH: Synchronize a local directory with a remote directory using SSH:

rsync -avz -e ssh /path/to/local/dir user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir
  • -e ssh: Specifies the remote shell to use (SSH).

  • -z: Compresses data during transfer, reducing bandwidth usage.

  • -a: Preserves permissions, timestamps, and other attributes.

  • -v: Provides verbose output for tracking progress.

  1. Using SSH Options: Rsync allows you to specify additional SSH options using the -e flag. For example, if you need to use a specific SSH identity file (-i) or a non-standard port (-p), you can include these in the Rsync command:

rsync -avz -e "ssh -i /path/to/private/key -p 2222" /path/to/local/dir user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir

Excluding Files and Directories

Exclude specific files or directories from synchronization using the --exclude option:

rsync -av --exclude 'file.txt' /path/to/source /path/to/destination

Scheduling Rsync with Cron

Automate synchronization tasks using Cron jobs:

crontab -e

Add a line like:

0 2 * * * rsync -av /path/to/source /path/to/destination

This example runs Rsync every day at 2 AM.

Verifying Sync Operations

  • Using --dry-run Option
rsync -avh --dry-run /path/to/local/dir/ user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir/

Purpose: Simulates the transfer process and shows what changes will be made without modifying any files.

  • Using Checksums with -c Option
rsync -avhc /path/to/local/dir/ user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir/

Purpose: Uses checksums to verify that files are identical between the source and destination. This method is more thorough but slower.

  • Comparing Files After Sync
diff -r /path/to/local/dir/ /path/to/remote/dir/

Purpose: Recursively compares the source and destination directories to highlight any differences.

  • Using Rsync’s Verbose Output
rsync -avh /path/to/local/dir/ user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir/

Purpose: Provides detailed information about what Rsync is doing during the transfer.

  • Logging Rsync Output
rsync -avh /path/to/local/dir/ user@remote:/path/to/remote/dir/ &> rsync_log.txt

Purpose: Saves all output, including errors, to a log file for later review.

Troubleshooting Rsync Issues

Common issues include permission errors, network interruptions, and incorrect usage of Rsync options. Detailed error messages and verbose output (-v) are invaluable for diagnosing problems. So you need to check the files/directories permissions, network stability or incorrect flags passed to Rsync.


Mastering Rsync empowers you with efficient tools for managing file synchronization across local and remote systems. By understanding its syntax, leveraging SSH for secure transfers, and automating tasks with Cron, you can streamline data management workflows while ensuring data integrity and security. With these skills, you're well-equipped to handle a wide range of synchronization challenges efficiently and effectively. Happy syncing!

Reading time: 5 min

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