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Roundcube Webmail: The Complete Guide to Setup, Features, and Customization

Roundcube Webmail: The Complete Guide to Setup, Features, and Customization
Bhuban Mishra
Technical writer
Reading time: 9 min

Roundcube is a browser-based email client. It provides easy access to manage emails via a web interface.

Roundcube can be installed in two ways: either by deploying it with Docker Compose or by directly installing it on an Ubuntu server for a more hands-on approach.

Why Use Roundcube Webmail

Here are some of the key features that make Roundcube stand out as an email client:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Roundcube interface is easy to use, minimal, and modern.
  • IMAP and SMTP Support: It supports both IMAP and SMTP protocols, ensuring compatibility with most email servers.
  • Multiple Email Accounts: Users can configure multiple email accounts within the same interface and switch between them easily.
  • Web-Based: All you need is a browser to access your emails. This makes it a convenient option for users who often need to switch devices.
  • Extensible and Customizable: Roundcube is open source. With access to hundreds of its plugins, you can customize it to your liking.
  • Address Book: Having an address book is crucial for email management.  With its address book integration, you can import existing contacts as well as create a new contact manually.


To proceed with this tutorial, you’ll need:

  • An Ubuntu Server: This tutorial uses the Ubuntu 22.04 server but for the most part, it should work on other modern versions as well.
  • Docker and Docker Compose (for Method 1): If not installed, you can install them with the commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker docker-compose

Method 1: Setup Roundcube with Docker Compose (Recommended)

Docker containers encapsulate all the necessary dependencies to ease the overall setup process. Here’s a working docker-compose.yml file to launch the Roundcube webmail with thunderbird_labels, show_folder_size, and tls_icon plugins.

version: '3'

    image: roundcube/roundcubemail:latest
    container_name: roundcubemail
      - ./www:/var/www/html
      - ./db/sqlite:/var/roundcube/db
      - 9002:80
      ROUNDCUBEMAIL_COMPOSER_PLUGINS: "weird-birds/thunderbird_labels,jfcherng-roundcube/show-folder-size,germancoding/tls_icon:^1.2"
      ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS: thunderbird_labels, show_folder_size, tls_icon

Here’s an explanation of what each environment variable refers to:

  • ROUNDCUBEMAIL_SKIN: It tells what theme to use for the interface. Elastic is the modern theme for Roundcube. Classic is an older, more basic theme.
  • ROUNDCUBEMAIL_DEFAULT_HOST: The default IMAP hosts that Roundcube will look at and try to connect. 
  • ROUNDCUBEMAIL_SMTP_SERVER: This SMTP server will be utilized to send emails. 
  • ROUNDCUBE_SMTP_PORT: SMTP port number.
  • ROUNDCUBEMAIL_COMPOSER_PLUGINS: These add-ons can enhance the email experience, customizing appearances and features to Roundcube. These plugins further need to be enabled with the ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS variable.
  • ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS: ROUNDCUBEMAIL_COMPOSER_PLUGINS only installs the plugin while the ROUNDCUBEMAIL_PLUGINS variable activates those plugins.

Your email provider will provide details regarding the IMAP server, IMAP port, SMTP server, and SMTP settings. So, based on your email provider, you need to adjust these variables. Also, you need to note what encryption your email provider offers. It might be SSL/TLS.

To deploy this docker-compose file, ensure you have first set up docker and docker-compose.

docker --version && docker-compose --version 

Start the docker service:

systemctl start docker

Deploy the docker-compose.yml file:

docker-compose up

It might take 2-3 minutes to get Roundcube running on <your-server-ip>:9092. To start managing your emails, enter the login credentials provided by your email server. 

If you’re using Gmail or Outlook, the username will be your email address along with @gmail or @outlook suffix.


After a successful login, you’ll get to see a similar interface.


Method 2: Direct Install on the Ubuntu Server

Roundcube is a LAMP stack application. It’s written using PHP and supports multiple database backends, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. 

Step 1: Install PHP and Apache

Before installation, update the list of available packages and their versions.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install php apache2

You need to install and enable some PHP extensions as well.

sudo apt install php-mbstring php-xml php-imap php-sqlite3 php-json php-curl php-zip php-gd php-intl

Here’s a list of what each extension does:

  • php-mbstring: Provides support for multi-byte character encodings
  • php-xml: Adds ability to work with XML documents
  • php-imap: Allows to establish connections with IMAP server 
  • php-sqlite3: PHP adapter to talk to SQLite database
  • php-json: Handles JSON encoding and decoding
  • php-curl: Allows sending HTTP requests via curl binary
  • php-zip: Handles reading and writing of zip files
  • php-gd: Provides image manipulation capabilities
  • php-intl: Provides support for multiple languages, cultures, and regional preferences

Step 2: Download the Roundcube Source code

You can download the source code from To facilitate deployment, choose the Complete Stable Version.

99e88c0d 3854 46a4 Ba08 30fe4c273355

Download the application in the /var/www directory.

cd /var/www
sudo wget

Step 3: Extract and Assign Permissions

One simple way to allow Apache to read from and write to the document root is to change ownership to www-data user.

sudo tar xvf roundcubemail-1.6.10-complete.tar.gz
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data roundcube-1.6.10
cd roundcube-1.6.10

Step 4: Setup the Configuration File 

The config file determines what plugins will be in use, which interface and skins will be in use, what SMTP and IMAP server the email client will connect to, etc.

Make a copy of the default config file (first, ensure your current directory is /var/www/roundcube-1.6.10):

sudo cp config/ config/

Open the config file and edit these important settings i.e. the database connection, IMAP server, and SMTP server.

sudo nano


Here’s a sample config for the Outlook email server. You need to adjust db_dsnw, imap_host, and smtp_host as per your email provider. This configuration uses an SQLite database for simplicity.

$config[‘db_dsnw’] = ‘sqlite:////var/www/roundcubemail-1.6.10/config/db.sqlite?mode=0640’;
$config[‘imap_host’] = ‘ssl://’;
$config[‘smtp_host’] = ‘ssl://’;

If you want to use some plugins, you need to download them manually in the plugins directory or use Composer to manage plugins. Then enable the config file as:


Step 5: Configure Apache 

Create a new file roundcube_site.conf under /etc/apache2/sites-available with the contents:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/roundcubemail-1.6.10
    # ServerName  # Replace it

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    <Directory /var/www/roundcubemail-1.6.10>
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

   # Block access to the database
   <FilesMatch "\.sqlite$">
    Require all denied


Enable the newly created Apache site:

sudo a2ensite roundcube_site.conf

Disable the default Apache site as it might cause the issue:

sudo a2dissite 000_default.conf

Restart Apache to load changes:

sudo systemctl reload apache2

Step 6: Launch and Install

Finally, you can launch the Roundcube interface simply by visiting the IP of your server. It’ll ask for Username and Password. You can get those credentials from your email provider.


A quick tip, in case the setup is not working, inspect the errors.log file.


Also, inspecting the Apache access.log and error.log files can provide additional clues.

tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

Multi-account management

To add additional email accounts, switch to the Settings tab, select Identities, and then click on the Create icon.


Import Contacts

You can import all your previous contacts from a vCard or CSV file. To do so, head over to the Contacts tab and click on Import icon on top.

If you want to import CardDAV, add composer plugins roundcube/carddav


Collected Recipients will bring a list of contacts that had been previously contacted. Similarly, Trusted Senders will bring a list of a sender.

Useful Roundcube Plugins

It’s worthwhile to mention some of the popular plugins :

  • Larry: The Larry theme.
  • Contextmenu: It enables right-click context menus on various parts of interfaces.
  • Gravatar: Fetches gravatar images for the email.
  • Identity_switch: Lets you switch to different user identities from a single session.
  • Advanced Search: Search through emails in a quick and fast way.
  • Sauserprefs: It fights spam in your mailbox.
  • Calendar: Provides calendar integration.
  • Roundcube_caldav: CalDAV allows managing events on central calendar systems like Google Calendar.  It’s a must-have plugin for efficient team collaboration.
  • Identity SMTP : It lets you set SMTP configurations for different identities.
  • Carddav: This plugin provides a standard way to store and import contact information in a vCard format.
  • Customizr: This lets you customize logos and styles.
  • Fail2ban: Shows the number of failed attempts. 
  • Html5_notifier: It sends you desktop notifications for any email activity.
  • Thunderbird_labels: Assigns a tag to emails.

Roundcube Alternatives

If you didn’t like the Roundcube experience, there are other alternatives to consider.

  • Horde Webmail: Horde offers an integrated suite of applications such as email, calendar, and task management together. It provides enhanced productivity for team collaboration.
  • Zimbra Webmail: Zimbra is available in two different versions i.e. open source and commercial. It’s known for enterprise-grade security, spam filtering, and two-factor authentication.
  • Rainloop: It features a sleek and modern design. It requires no database to set up. Rainloop is known for its simplicity.

Roundcube Webmail: Is It the Right Fit for You?

Roundcube offers hundreds of plugins to customize the experience. With its docker deployment, the Roundcube mail client can be deployed within a matter of a few minutes.

If you’re comfortable with server management and need a lightweight, open-source webmail solution, Roundcube could be a perfect fit for you. However, if you require more advanced features or don’t want the hassle of self-hosting, you might want to consider other options.

Reading time: 9 min



How to Send Email in Linux from the Command Line with Sendmail and Mailx

For those managing servers or working on automation tasks, knowing how to send emails from the Linux terminal is essential. It offers complete control over email functions and eliminates the need for complex mail programs. This is useful in scenarios where speed and simplicity matter most. Common tools such as sendmail and mailx are frequently used for sending messages, checking SMTP settings, automating alerts, and integrating with scripts. They are straightforward yet effective, making them perfect for tasks like informing teams about server updates, automating reports, or testing email setups. This guide is designed for users looking to manage their email directly from the terminal. It covers the installation of essential tools and delves into more advanced tasks, such as sending attachments and configuring email tools. Why Choose Command-Line Email Tools? Two commonly used tools, sendmail and mailx, are reliable options for mail transmission in Linux. They come with a certain set of benefits: Efficiency: Traditional email software can be slow and resource-intensive. These tools enable quick and lightweight email sending directly from the terminal. Automation: They integrate smoothly with shell scripts, cron processes, and system monitoring tools. Automating mail alerts and notifications for repeated actions is possible via these Linux mail tools. Troubleshooting SMTP Problems: Debugging SMTP setups becomes more manageable. These commands provide visibility into message delivery, ensuring mail logs and errors are easier to inspect. Flexibility: Whether it’s sending alerts or generating automated reports, command-line tools like sendmail and mailx offer versatility across a range of tasks. Prerequisites  Before utilizing these Linux mail command line tools, ensure you have terminal access. Root privileges may be required in some cases, especially for configuring each mail command on Linux discussed in this guide. Setting Up a SMTP Server SMTP servers are essential for sending emails. These servers fall into two categories: External and Local SMTP servers. External SMTP Servers It refers to a mail server hosted by a third-party provider. These servers are utilized to deliver emails over the internet to recipients who are not part of your local network. They are built to manage global mail delivery while ensuring proper authentication, encryption, and spam prevention. Examples  Gmail  Address: Port: 587 (with TLS) or 465 (with SSL) Outlook  Address: Port: 587 These servers need appropriate authentication methods (such as a username, password, or app-specific passwords) and encryption (like TLS or SSL) to ensure secure communication. Note: We’ve already provided a guide for setting up external SMTP servers. The command to send emails through Postfix remains the same as mentioned in this article. Simply configure the SMTP settings using our guide, and replace the email address with Gmail or any other preferred provider for proper email delivery. Local SMTP Servers This server functions solely within a private network or system. It is perfect for: Sending emails between users on the same network or domain (e.g., tom@office.local to jerry@office.local). Local testing and development tasks. Internal communication within an organization. Does not need internet access to operate, as they manage mail delivery internally. Setting Up a Local SMTP Server Here are the procedures to set up a local SMTP server using Postfix: Install Postfix via: sudo apt install postfix Modify the Postfix configuration file: sudo nano /etc/postfix/ Update or confirm these key settings: myhostname = mydomain = office.local myorigin = $mydomain inet_interfaces = loopback-only local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain Save and exit the file after doing changes, then restart Postfix: sudo systemctl restart postfix To create email addresses like linux@office.local and hostman@office.local, set up user accounts on the server: sudo adduser linuxsudo adduser hostman Overview of sendmail sendmail is a prominent mail transfer agent (MTA) in Linux. It works flawlessly with SMTP servers for mail delivery and allows emails to be sent and routed from local systems or scripts.  Installing sendmail  Before sending emails, you must install the Linux sendmail tool. Execute the commands below based on your distribution: For Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt install sendmail For CentOS/Red Hat sudo yum install sendmail Starting and Enabling Service Once installed, make sure sendmail is running and configured to start at boot: sudo systemctl start sendmailsudo systemctl enable sendmail Testing the Configuration Check the sendmail is set up correctly by executing: echo "Testing sendmail setup" | sendmail -v Verify email by executing the mail command: mail Note: Install mailutils package in case the mail command is not working. sudo apt install mailutils Or utilize the cat command: cat /var/mail/user Editing the Configuration File To customize settings for sendmail, modify the configuration file located at /etc/mail/ sudo nano /etc/mail/ Make the required changes to fit your server. For example, if you want to define the domain name for your server, you can add or modify the following line: define(`confDOMAIN_NAME', `')dnl Here, replace your_domain with your actual domain name. Then rebuild the configuration file: sudo m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/ If a "permission denied" error occurs, use: sudo sh -c "m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/" Finally, restart the service: sudo systemctl restart sendmail Sending Email Via sendmail With sendmail, you can easily deliver emails, customize subjects, and even add attachments using external tools. Let’s go over the process to send emails: Basic Example To send an email with sendmail, use the below-given instructions: First, create a file to hold the message: nano email.txt Add any content to the file, for example: Subject: Test Email from HostmanThis is a test email sent using sendmail on Linux. Deliver the file's contents: sendmail < email.txt The contents of email.txt will be sent to the designated recipient. For verification, apply: mail Adding Attachments  sendmail by itself doesn’t support attachments. You’ll need to utilize uuencode or similar tools to include files. First, install sharutils for uuencode: sudo apt install sharutils Here’s how to attach a file: ( echo "Subject: Email with attachment"; uuencode file.txt file.txt ) | sendmail In the above sendmail example we send an email with file.txt attached. To verify, apply the Linux command mail: mail Overview of mailx  The mailx Linux command is a simple and effective terminal application for managing emails. It is included in the mailutils package found in most Linux distributions. Installing mailx  Install mailutils package on your system to utilize the mailx command on Linux: For Debian/Ubuntu systems sudo apt install mailutils For Red Hat-based systems sudo yum install mailx Sending Email with mailx This is a simple example demonstrating the use of mailx. Include a subject line and message in your email: echo "This is the body of the email" | mailx -s "Test Email from Mailx" Utilize the Linux mail command for verification: Example with Attachments Use the -A flag with the mailx command to send emails from Linux with attachments: echo "Please find the attached document" | mailx -s "Email with Attachment" -A email.txt This sends email.txt as an attachment to the recipient. Conclusion Sending email from the Linux command line is an effective method for automating communication tasks, troubleshooting servers, or testing configurations. Using tools such as sendmail and mailx, you can manage everything from simple messages to more complex setups with attachments. This guide has provided detailed instructions to help you begin without difficulty. Utilize these Linux email commands to improve your workflow. If you face any issues, feel free to refer back to this tutorial.
18 March 2025 · 7 min to read

How to Configure Postfix Using External SMTP Servers

Postfix is a widely used tool for routing and delivering emails. Known for its adaptability, reliability, and easy setup, it's essential to email systems. It ensures smooth message delivery and allows administrators to manage email traffic efficiently. To install Postfix, you will need to install the software, configure it with an external SMTP server, and set up verifications. Follow these guidelines for a seamless setup. Before moving to the main process, ensure you have: sudo privileges or root access on a Linux server  An external SMTP server (like Gmail)  Installing Postfix Employ the instructions below to install Postfix across several Linux distros: On Debian-based Linux Distros (like Ubuntu) sudo apt install postfix On Red Hat-based Linux Distros (like CentOS) sudo yum install postfix On Fedora sudo dnf install postfix On Arch Linux sudo pacman -S postfix During installation, users will see a setup window. This window will ask for basic setup settings. After finalizing, complete the installation. Configuring Postfix Correctly configuring Postfix is crucial for successful email delivery. This involves updating configuration files, activating authentication, and setting methods for processing and delivering mails. Here's the process: Step 1: Configuration File Modification The (Postfix configuration) contains principal settings, and to tweak them, open the file using: sudo nano /etc/postfix/ Note: By default, new servers have ports 465 and 587 blocked. To unblock these ports, reach out to technical support. Step 2: Configuration with an External SMTP Server Set up the relay host and enable security protocols by adding the provided lines to the file: relayhost = []:587smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yessmtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwdsmtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymoussmtp_tls_security_level = encryptsmtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes Here: The initial line configures the Postfix relay host. This line sets the SMTP and port (587 for TLS); if you’re using Gmail, replace "" with "" The second line enables SASL authentication. The third line points to the file containing your SMTP credentials (an essential file that helps setup Postfix map sasl_password. The fourth line prevents anonymous connections. The fifth line causes the utility to utilize TLS encryption. The sixth line reports the server's STARTTLS offer. Save the file once you’ve adjusted the necessary settings. Step 3: Construct the SASL Credentials File Create a SASL password file via your SMTP credentials: sudo nano /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd Insert the credentials in the specified format within the file: []:587 Substitute [] with your chosen server (e.g., Swap out password and with your real email address and corresponding password. Produce an app-specific password in Gmail by accessing the App Passwords segment of your account settings. Step 4: Protect the SASL Credentials Once done, protect your credentials via provided commands: sudo chmod 600 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd The first command restricts access to the credentials file, permitting read access solely to the root user. The application will authenticate via the hash database file generated by the second command. Step 5: Restart Postfix Restart to apply the changes: sudo systemctl restart postfix Note: If encountering an error like "fatal: the Postfix mail system is not running," double-check that the server is configured correctly and that all processes have been exactly followed. Testing the SMTP Server Now that everything has been modified, you can send mail. Before sending, install mailutils on your Linux PC using: sudo apt install mailutils Post-installation, check the configuration by sending a test mail using the specified format below: echo "Test email from Postfix" | mail -s "Test Postfix" The first part displays the beginning part of the text intended for the mail body. Second is the pipe symbol (|) which directs the echo command’s output straight into the mail command. Third is the mail command that establishes the email’s subject when used with -s option. The last part indicates the email address of the test message's recipient. To make sure everything is functioning and that the test mail was delivered correctly, delve into the mail logs using: sudo tail -f /var/log/mail.log This log file provides a snapshot of recent activities. If the test mail logs successful, your setup is complete. Note: If experiencing difficulties receiving Gmail messages, use below guidelines: Enter your current login details to access Gmail through a web browser. Locate the gear icon at the top right, click it and select "See all settings." In the Gmail menu, pick "Forwarding and POP/IMAP." Go with "IMAP access" and activate "Enable IMAP." Continue scrolling down, and hit "Save Changes. By adhering to these guidelines, you'll activate IMAP in Gmail and improve the message delivery system. Setting Up Email Forwarding Email forwarding configuration ensures seamless redirection of incoming mails from one address to another, guaranteeing you never miss a message. This functionality is useful to centralize email management or direct system alerts to an external email address. Take the following action to configure forwarding: Step 1: Modify Aliases File Begin by adding modifications to the aliases file, which can be accessed using: sudo nano /etc/aliases To specify forwarding addresses, they must be detailed in the aliases file. For instance: root: This command ensures mails destined for the root are passed along to Users can establish extra forwarding rules as required. Step 2: Refresh the Aliases Database Refresh the aliases database to apply the modification using: sudo newaliases Step 3: Restart Postfix Lastly, restart again via: sudo systemctl restart postfix By sticking to these instructions, you may smoothly establish email forwarding, guaranteeing that mails intended for certain addresses are quickly forwarded to the selected account. Enabling SMTP Encryption Encrypting SMTP is a must to preserve the security and privacy of emails as they travel over the internet. Activating Transport Layer Security (TLS) strengthens the integrity of the communication path between the server and the mail client. Adhere to the below instructions to enable encryption: Step 1: Install Certbot First, the Certbot program needs to be installed to get a free TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt. The process of obtaining and renewing these certifications is made easier by Certbot, which can be installed on Ubuntu using: sudo apt install certbot Step 2: Allow HTTP Traffic Next, update the firewall settings to enable HTTP traffic on port 80 using the command provided below: sudo ufw allow 80 Step 3: Obtain a TLS Certificate Proceed by employing Certbot to acquire a TLS certificate for your domain. To achieve this, swap out your_domain with your real domain name in the command below: sudo certbot certonly --standalone --rsa-key-size 4096 --agree-tos --preferred-challenges http -d your_domain This command directs Certbot to: Use a 4096-bit RSA key to enhance security. Deploy a temporary independent server to carry out domain verification. Conduct the verification process through port 80. Adhere to the on-screen instructions and add your email address when prompted. After the process is finalized, Certbot will securely place your SSL certificate and private key within the /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain directory. Step 4: Postfix Configuration for TLS With the certificate in hand, update the settings to implement it by opening the configuration file via: sudo nano /etc/postfix/ Find the TLS parameters part and update it to include these lines: # TLS parameterssmtpd_tls_cert_file=/etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/fullchain.pemsmtpd_tls_key_file=/etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/privkey.pemsmtpd_tls_security_level=maysmtp_tls_CApath=/etc/ssl/certssmtp_tls_security_level=maysmtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache Alter your_domain to your real domain's name; subsequently, the tool will be able to use the TLS certificate to safeguard email exchanges. Step 5: Restart Postfix To implement the modified settings, restart again using: sudo systemctl restart postfix Send the mail after finishing that, then check the recipient's mailbox. Unencrypted mails are more prone to being flagged as spam by email providers so the message might appear almost instantly. Following these guidelines can help you send mails safely and reduce the likelihood that email providers may mark them as spam. Conclusion Setting up Postfix through external SMTP servers is a simple process that enhances your server's email capabilities. This guide has thoroughly covered the installation, configuration, and testing phases of Postfix, including the setup of email forwarding and the activation of SMTP encryption. By adhering to these steps, users can ensure their mails are delivered securely.
09 December 2024 · 8 min to read

How to Use Google SMTP Server

SMTP stands for "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol." As the name suggests, it is a protocol for sending and delivering emails to the recipient. What is an SMTP server? An SMTP server is a server responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the SMTP protocol. Its main role is to act as a relay between the sender and the recipient. The SMTP server performs two essential tasks: Verifies the configuration of the device attempting to send a message and permits it to do so. Sends the message to the specified address and receives a response code. An SMTP server's responsibility ends here — it only handles sending emails. Receiving emails on the recipient's side is managed by other protocols, such as POP3 and IMAP. Basic steps of sending an email: The sender's server gathers the necessary information — such as the sender's and recipient's addresses, along with the message itself containing the required fields. The sender's server identifies the recipient's email provider by analyzing the recipient's email address and requests the IP address of the recipient's mail server. The sender's server receives a response from the recipient's server. If there is no response from the recipient's server, the sender's server will attempt to establish a connection multiple times. If there is still no response, an error code is returned. The standard port for SMTP is 25, but other ports like 465 and 587 are also used for secure SSL connections and mandatory authentication. It's worth noting that some providers block port 25 to prevent spam, so it's a good idea to check this with your provider. For SMTP, you can use cloud servers in almost any configuration. However, if you plan to send large volumes of emails or need to ensure that your emails are not marked as spam, using Google's SMTP server is recommended. Advantages of Using Google's SMTP Server Cost: One of the most obvious advantages is that Google SMTP is entirely free — you only need a Google account to use it. Pre-configured: Setting up and managing a mail server is quite complex and requires theoretical knowledge of network protocols and practical experience with server configuration. Using an external solution like Google's saves a lot of time configuring the server. Backup: You don't need to worry about the server's uptime — if something goes wrong in the middle of the night, Google's team will handle it. Google also takes care of backing up both sent and received emails, saving you the trouble of ensuring the security of valuable or confidential information. Indexing: Another advantage of storing emails on Google's servers is that indexing and searching through emails are powered by Google's computational resources. If you use the same SMTP for Gmail, emails will automatically appear in the "Sent" and "Inbox" folders, keeping everything organized in one place. Spam Protection: One of the biggest challenges with managing your own mail server is preventing emails from being marked as spam. When sending through Google's SMTP server, you can be confident that the email will arrive at the recipient's inbox just like any other Gmail message. Since Google doesn't use the standard port 25 for sending emails, the likelihood of the message being marked as spam or blocked by the recipient's provider is reduced. Disadvantages of Using a Third-Party SMTP Server Data storage on a remote server: One common concern with third-party SMTP servers is that all your communication is stored under Google's control. However, privacy concerns about keeping emails on your own servers are still valid, especially if you are communicating with average users who are unlikely to use their own SMTP servers. Email limits: Google limits the number of emails sent per day to 100. This limit is generally sufficient if you're testing the SMTP sending mechanism or your project doesn't require large volumes of outgoing emails. Setting Up Google SMTP You'll need access to a Google account to set up the Google SMTP service. In most cases, a simple login and password are sufficient. Still, if you have enabled two-factor authentication (which is highly recommended), you must generate an app-specific password. Here are the settings you'll need to configure Google's SMTP server: SMTP Server (Outgoing Mail Server): SMTP Username: Your full email address SMTP Password: Your Google account password or the app password you generated SMTP Port: 465 Requires TLS/SSL?: Yes Note that Google will automatically overwrite the From header of any email you send via the SMTP server if it doesn't match your default email address. For instance, if you try to send an email from a non-existent address, Google will replace it with your real one. This is standard behavior, but you can adjust this in your email settings. Email Clients Besides sending automated emails using Google's SMTP server, you can also use these settings to connect with email clients like Thunderbird or Outlook. This way, you can send emails without using a browser or Google's standard client. However, to receive emails from your Google account in another client, you'll need to use POP3 or IMAP protocols. These settings are available in the same place as other Gmail mail settings, under the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" section. Testing Email Sending We'll write a simple PHP script to test the configuration provided above. We'll send the email using the PHPMailer package, which we can install via the Composer dependency manager: composer require phpmailer/phpmailer Next, create a file index.php where we will specify the SMTP server settings and attempt to send a test email. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); // Show all errors // Include PHPMailer require dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; $mail = new PHPMailer(true); // Specify that we are using SMTP $mail->isSMTP(); // Enable debugging output for testing purposes $mail->SMTPDebug = 2; $mail->Debugoutput = 'html'; // Provide the SMTP credentials $mail->Host = ''; // SMTP host $mail->Port = 587; // SMTP port $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // Encryption $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable authentication $mail->Username = ""; // Your Google account email $mail->Password = "62584jattjjtmxnpwf124"; // App-specific password // Specify sender and recipient information $mail->setFrom('', 'Test Sender Hostman); // Sender $mail->addReplyTo('', 'First Last'); // Reply-To address $mail->addAddress('', 'James Smith'); // Recipient // Subject and content $mail->Subject = 'Hostman: Google SMTP Test'; // Subject line $mail->msgHTML('<h1>Hello, Hostman</h1>'); // HTML content $mail->AltBody = 'This is a plain-text message body'; // Plain-text fallback // Output the result if (!$mail->send()) { echo "Mailer Error:". $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo "Message sent!"; } You can use the same script by replacing the credentials and recipients with your own information, including the Reply-To address. Now, execute the PHP script through the browser by loading the page. If everything is set up correctly, you'll see the output of the email being sent. If any credentials are incorrect, PHPMailer will display an error message. Next, open your email client and check if the email has arrived. Everything should work as expected, and you'll also see the email in the Sent folder in your Gmail account. Conclusion In this article, we explored the advantages of using Google's SMTP server, including the free setup and maintenance, reliable backup, and reduced likelihood of emails being marked as spam. Additionally, we wrote a simple PHP script to demonstrate how to send emails via Google SMTP. We also discussed some limitations and drawbacks of using third-party email services. If you decide to set up your own mail server, you can use Hostman's cloud servers. 
18 October 2024 · 7 min to read

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