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Managing File Permissions with chmod

Managing File Permissions with chmod
Adnene Mabrouk
Technical writer
Reading time: 4 min

File permissions are a fundamental aspect of managing files and directories in any operating system. They define who can read, write, or execute a file. Properly setting file permissions is crucial for ensuring the security and integrity of the system and its data. In Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, the chmod command is used to change the permissions of files and directories.

Importance of chmod in Linux

The chmod (change mode) command is essential in Linux for managing file access permissions. It allows administrators and users to specify who can read, write, or execute a file. Properly configured permissions help protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and modification, and ensure that executable files are only run by appropriate users.

Understanding Permission Types

In Linux, each file and directory has three types of permissions: read (r), write (w), and execute (x). These permissions can be set for three different classes of users:

  1. Owner: The user who owns the file.

  2. Group: A set of users who share certain permissions.

  3. Others: All other users on the system.

The permissions are typically represented as a string of ten characters. The first character indicates the file type (e.g., - for a regular file, d for a directory), and the remaining nine characters represent the permissions for the owner, group, and others in sets of three.

For example:


This string indicates a regular file where:

  • The owner has read, write, and execute permissions (rwx).

  • The group has read and execute permissions (r-x).

  • Others have only read permission (r--).

Basic chmod Syntax

The basic syntax of the chmod command is:

chmod [options] mode file
  • mode: The permissions to set (in symbolic or numeric form).

  • file: The file or directory to change permissions for.

Setting Permissions Using Symbolic and Numeric Modes

Let's look how to set permissions with chmod in both symbolic and numeric modes.

Symbolic Mode

In symbolic mode, permissions are represented by letters. You can add (+), remove (-), or set (=) permissions for the owner (u), group (g), or others (o).


  • Add execute permission for the owner:

chmod u+x file.txt
  • Remove write permission for the group:

chmod g-w file.txt
  • Set read-only permission for others:

chmod o=r file.txt

Numeric Mode

In numeric mode, permissions are represented by a three-digit octal number. Each digit ranges from 0 to 7 and represents a combination of read (4), write (2), and execute (1) permissions.


  • 7 (4+2+1) = read, write, execute

  • 6 (4+2) = read, write

  • 5 (4+1) = read, execute

  • 4 = read only

To set permissions, you combine these numbers. For example:

  • Full permissions for the owner, and read and execute for group and others:

chmod 755 file.txt

Practical Examples of chmod Usage

Here are a few examples of using chmod in practice.

Making a Script Executable

To make a script file executable by the owner:

chmod u+x

Then, you can check the file permission :

ls -l

-rwxr--r-- 1 user user 0 Jun 15 12:00

Securing a Configuration File

To ensure that a configuration file is only accessible by the owner:

chmod 600 config.cfg

To check the new permissions :

ls -l config.cfg

-rw------- 1 user user 0 Jun 15 12:00 config.cfg

Setting Directory Permissions

To allow a directory to be accessed and modified by the owner and group, but only accessed by others:

chmod 775 /path/to/directory

The new permissions will be like :

ls -ld /path/to/directory

drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 4096 Jun 15 12:00 /path/to/directory

Advanced chmod Options and Use Cases

Below are a few more complex scenarios of using chmod.

Recursive Permission Changes

To change permissions for a directory and all its contents recursively, use the -R option:

chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory

Setting the Sticky Bit

The sticky bit is a special permission that restricts deletion of files within a directory. Only the file owner, directory owner, or superuser can delete files. It's useful for directories like /tmp:

chmod +t /path/to/directory

Setting the Setuid and Setgid Bits

The setuid and setgid bits are used to allow users to run an executable with the permissions of the executable's owner or group, respectively.

  • Setuid (user ID on execution):

chmod u+s executable
  • Setgid (group ID on execution):

chmod g+s executable

These advanced options and use cases provide powerful ways to manage file permissions, ensuring both flexibility and security in a Linux environment.


Understanding and properly using chmod permissions is crucial for maintaining the security and functionality of a Linux system. By mastering both basic and advanced chmod commands, you can effectively manage access to files and directories, protecting sensitive data and ensuring that users have the appropriate permissions for their tasks. Whether you are a system administrator or a regular user, knowing how to set and modify permissions will greatly enhance your ability to work within the Linux environment.

Reading time: 4 min

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