The Kubernetes containerization platform processes and stores large volumes of data from various cluster components, including persistent storage blocks (Persistent Volumes), various manifests, and configuration files such as Deployments, ConfigMaps, and Secrets. It is important to organize backups to protect this data.
There are various solutions for simplifying the Kubernetes backup process. One of them is Velero, specifically designed to create Kubernetes cluster backups.
Today, we will take a detailed look at the process of creating backups using Velero.
should not differ from that of the cluster. For instance, if the cluster version is 1.31, you can use versions from 1.30 to 1.32. To download a specific version of kubectl
, specify it in the URL, for example:curl -LO
After installation, check the version:
kubectl version --client
Helm package manager installed. Helm simplifies installing, upgrading, and managing applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Helm organizes complex Kubernetes configurations into manageable packages called charts.
S3 is an object storage service for reliable storage of large datasets. Since Velero requires object storage, let's create one in the S3 Storage section of the Hostman management panel.
Click the Create button:
For this guide, we'll select the minimum storage size of 10 GB. In practice, you should choose a size that meets your needs. Set the storage type to Public. You can also rename the bucket if needed.
Velero is an open-source client-server utility for creating backups and restoring Kubernetes cluster resources. It works with Kubernetes objects (such as Pods, Deployments, and Services) and saves them as snapshots. Additionally, it can back up data from Persistent Volume (PV) objects.
Velero Key Features:
The Velero architecture consists of the following key components:
To connect to a cluster, you need the kubeconfig
file — a special YAML file containing connection details for the cluster.
If you are using a Kubernetes cluster from Hostman, you can download the kubeconfig
file from the Dashboard of your cluster.
Next, export the KUBECONFIG
environment variable, specifying the full path to the kubeconfig file.
In the terminal, run the following command:
export KUBECONFIG=/root/Daring_Linnet_config.yaml
In the Windows PowerShell, use this command:
$env:KUBECONFIG = "C:\Users\alex\plugins\container-service\clusters\customername\Daring_Linnet_config.yaml"
Replace Daring_Linnet_config.yaml
with the name of your kubeconfig
After exporting the environment variable, check the connection to the cluster by listing all available nodes:
kubectl get nodes
If the command returns a list of nodes, we have successfully connected to the cluster.
As mentioned earlier, Velero consists of a client (CLI) and a server component. We'll start by installing the client, which provides a command-line interface.
Download the .tar
archive for the Velero client and extract it. We'll use version 1.15.1:
curl -L | tar -xz
The output will be a directory named velero-v1.15.1-linux-amd64 (where v1.15.1 is the version used). Move the directory to /usr/local/bin
mv velero-v1.15.1-linux-amd64/velero /usr/local/bin/
Check the utility's functionality by displaying its version:
velero version
If the version is displayed, the client component has been successfully installed. Now we will proceed with the installation of the server component.
One way to install the server component of Velero is through a Helm chart. To install Velero using Helm, follow these steps:
Create a new namespace named velero
kubectl create namespace velero
Create a new Kubernetes Secret object to store the aws_access_key_id
and aws_secret_access_key
variables. These keys are essential for authenticating and authorizing access to S3 storage.
To find the S3 Access Key and S3 Secret Access Key, go to the S3 Storage section in the Hostman management panel and click on the bucket.
Copy these values and create a new file named velero-credentials-secret.yaml
nano velero-credentials-secret.yaml
Add the following content:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cloud-credentials
namespace: velero
type: Opaque
cloud: |
aws_access_key_id = UOY3beX5A3bV9Ly
aws_secret_access_key = F3x78pH1d5BOu4BfVv
Create the secret in Kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f velero-credentials-secret.yaml
Add the official vmware-tanzu
Helm repository:
helm repo add vmware-tanzu
Update the repository list:
helm repo update
List the repositories to confirm the addition:
helm repo ls
Install Velero using the following command:
helm install velero vmware-tanzu/velero \
--namespace velero \
--set credentials.existingSecret=cloud-credentials \
--set 'configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].name=default' \
--set 'configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].provider=aws' \
--set 'configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].bucket=f60e2023-bucket-for-velero' \
--set 'configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].config.region=us-2' \
--set 'configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].config.s3ForcePathStyle=true' \
--set 'configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].config.s3Url=' \
--set 'configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].name=default' \
--set 'configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].provider=aws' \
--set 'configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].config.region=us-2' \
--set 'initContainers[0].name=velero-plugin-for-aws' \
--set 'initContainers[0].image=velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.7.0' \
--set 'initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath=/target' \
--set 'initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name=plugins'
In the configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].bucket
parameter, specify the bucket name, which you can find in the Hostman control panel.
Run the installation command. If there are no errors, a message will confirm that Velero has been deployed in the cluster. To monitor its status, use:
kubectl get deployment/velero -n velero
The deployment file is successfully launched, as indicated by the READY
You can also check the status of the Velero pod:
kubectl get pods -n velero
If the pod is running, you can optionally check its logs (where velero-7bb8d5c5f-jwg5c
is the Velero pod name):
kubectl logs velero-7bb8d5c5f-jwg5c -n velero
The Velero installation is now fully complete.
To test the backup process, we will create a new namespace and several Kubernetes objects within it.
Create a namespace named test-velero
kubectl create ns test-velero
Create a Deployment file with two containers running the NGINX web server and a LoadBalancer service.
nano nginx-dev.yaml
Add the following configuration:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-dev
namespace: test-velero
app: nginx
replicas: 2
app: nginx
app: nginx
- image: nginx:1.17.6
name: nginx
- containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: nginx
name: nginx-test-service
namespace: test-velero
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
app: nginx
type: LoadBalancer
Apply the file and create the resources:
kubectl apply -f nginx-dev.yaml
Verify the status of the created resources:
kubectl get all -n test-velero
To create a backup for all resources in the test-velero
namespace, run the following command:
velero backup create nginx-test-backup --include-namespaces test-velero
If the backup was created successfully, you will see the following message:
Backup request "nginx-test-backup" submitted successfully.
Run `velero backup describe nginx-test-backup` or `velero backup logs nginx-test-backup` for more details.
You can check the status with the describe
velero backup describe nginx-test-backup
If successful, the status will be Completed
To view all backups in the storage, run:
velero backup get
The output will display the status (STATUS), number of errors (ERRORS), warnings (WARNINGS), creation time (CREATED), and expiration time (EXPIRES) for each backup.
To test the restoration process, first delete the previously created namespace and all objects within it:
kubectl delete namespace test-velero
Restore the backup by specifying its name (nginx-test-backup
velero restore create --from-backup nginx-test-backup
Check the restoration status using the following command, providing the name of the restored copy (obtained from the velero restore create
velero restore describe nginx-test-backup-20250114155656
If successful, the status will be Completed.
To view backup files, navigate to the Objects tab in the S3 Storage section in your Hostman control panel.
Velero creates separate directories for:
Each directory contains the corresponding Kubernetes objects for backup and restoration purposes.
Velero offers extensive backup functionality, allowing you to create backups for specific objects or configurations. Below are some useful examples:
To automatically create backups for all objects in the default
and my-namespace
namespaces every day at 2:00 AM:
velero schedule create daily-backup --schedule="0 2 * * *" --include-namespaces default,my-namespace
To create a backup only for objects of type deployment in the default
velero backup create my-backup2 --include-resources deployments --include-namespaces default
To back up the entire Kubernetes cluster, including cluster-scoped resources such as ClusterRole
, ClusterRoleBinding
, CustomResourceDefinition
(CRD), PersistentVolume
, and StorageClass
velero backup create full-cluster-backup
To back up only objects with a specific label, for instance, those with the selector app=nginx:
velero backup create backup-with-label-nginx --selector "app=nginx"
To back up only objects without a specific label selector, such as excluding objects labeled app=nginx
velero backup create backup-with-no-label-nginx --selector "app=nginx"
To exclude the kube-system
namespace and all its objects from the backup:
velero backup create backup-exclude-kube-system --exclude-namespaces kube-system
To exclude all secrets from the backup:
velero backup create backup-exclude-secrets --exclude-resources secrets
In this practical guide, we covered how to install Velero and how to use it to create Kubernetes backups and restore data. Velero's rich functionality allows for quick and straightforward backup-related tasks, making it a valuable tool for maintaining data safety and cluster reliability.