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How to Use JavaScript Array map()

How to Use JavaScript Array map()
Emmanuel Oyibo
Technical writer
Reading time: 12 min

Arrays play a crucial role in JavaScript programming. They let you store and manipulate collections of data with ease. One powerful method for working with arrays is the map() function. The map() method creates a new array by applying a given function to each element of the original array.

Simply put, map() takes your array, processes each item through a function you provide, and returns a new array with the transformed items. It doesn't change the original array, which helps prevent unintended side effects in your code. 

In this guide, we'll explore the map() function, how it works, and how you can use it in your JavaScript projects.

Basic Syntax and Parameters of map()

The map() function is a built-in method in JavaScript that you can use on arrays. It creates a new array by applying a function to each element of the original array.

Below is the syntax:

let newArray =, index, array) {
  // return element to newArray

Or, using arrow function syntax:

let newArray =, index, array) => {
  // return element to newArray

Let's break down the parameters:

  • currentValue: The current element being processed in the array.

  • index (optional): The index of the current element.

  • array (optional): The original array to which map() is being applied.

However, you must provide a callback function that tells map() how to transform each element. This function runs once for every item in the array. Importantly, map() does not modify the original array; instead, it returns a new array with the transformed elements.

For example, if you have an array of numbers and want to add 1 to each number, you can use map() like this:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let incrementedNumbers = => number + 1);


[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

In this example, the map() function takes each number in the numbers array, adds 1 to it, and returns a new array called incrementedNumbers.

Using map() to Transform Array Elements

The map() method is helpful when you need to transform each element in an array. It applies a function to every item and returns a new array with the transformed elements. Let's explore how you can use map() to manipulate array data.

Let’s say you have an array of numbers, and want to double each number. Instead of writing a loop, you can achieve this with map() in a more concise way.

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let doubled = => number * 2);


[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]

In this example, => number * 2) takes each element in the numbers array, multiplies it by two, and stores the result in a new array called doubled. The original numbers array remains unchanged.

You can also transform arrays of strings. Let's say you have an array of names and you want to convert them all to uppercase letters.

let names = ['alice', 'bob', 'charlie'];
let upperNames = => name.toUpperCase());



Here, map() applies the toUpperCase() method to each string in the names array, resulting in a new array upperNames with all names in uppercase.

Another practical use is when working with arrays of objects. For example, you might have an array of user objects and want to extract a specific property from each one.

let users = [
  { name: 'Alice', age: 25 },
  { name: 'Bob', age: 30 },
  { name: 'Charlie', age: 35 }

let userNames = =>;


[ 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie' ]

In this case, map() extracts the name property from each user object and creates a new array userNames.

Practical Examples of map()

The map() function really shines when working with real-world data. Let's see some practical examples to see how map() can simplify your JavaScript code.

Example 1: Converting Temperatures

Let’s assume you have an array of temperatures in Celsius and want to convert them to Fahrenheit. You can use map() to apply the conversion formula to each element.

let celsius = [0, 20, 30, 40];
let fahrenheit = => temp * 9/5 + 32);


[ 32, 68, 86, 104 ]

In this example, map() takes each temperature in the celsius array, converts it to Fahrenheit, and returns a new array called fahrenheit.

Example 2: Extracting Usernames from Emails

Imagine you have an array of email addresses and you want to extract the usernames.

let emails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]'];
let usernames = => email.split('@')[0]);


[ 'alice', 'bob', 'charlie' ]

Here, map() processes each email address, splits it at the @ symbol, and extracts the username part.

Example 3: Applying Discounts to Products

If you have an array of product objects and need to apply a discount to each product's price, map() makes this task easy.

let products = [
  { name: 'Laptop', price: 1000 },
  { name: 'Phone', price: 500 },
  { name: 'Tablet', price: 750 }

let discountedProducts = => {
  return {
    price: product.price * 0.9 // Apply a 10% discount



  { name: 'Laptop', price: 900 },
  { name: 'Phone', price: 450 },
  { name: 'Tablet', price: 675 }

In this case, map() creates a new array discountedProducts with the discounted prices, leaving the original products array unchanged.

Example 4: Formatting Dates

If you have an array of date strings and want to format them into a more readable form.

let dates = ['2023-01-01', '2023-02-14', '2023-12-25'];
let formattedDates = => {
  let options = { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
  return new Date(date).toLocaleDateString(undefined, options);



[ 'January 1, 2023', 'February 14, 2023', 'December 25, 2023' ]

Here, map() converts each date string into a Date object and formats it using toLocaleDateString().

Example 5: Generating HTML Elements

If you're working with the DOM, you can use map() to create an array of HTML elements.

let fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];
let fruitListItems = => `<li>${fruit}</li>`);


[ '<li>apple</li>', '<li>banana</li>', '<li>cherry</li>' ]

You can then join these items and insert them into your HTML.

let fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];
let fruitListItems = => `<li>${fruit}</li>`);

let fruitList = `<ul>${fruitListItems.join('')}</ul>`;



This demonstrates how map() can help generate dynamic content.

Chaining map() with Other Array Methods

The map() function becomes even more powerful when you chain it with other array methods like filter(), reduce(), or sort(). You can perform complex data transformations easily when you combine these methods.

Filtering and Mapping

Let’s say you have an array of numbers and you want to double only the even numbers.

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

let doubledEvens = numbers
  .filter(number => number % 2 === 0)
  .map(number => number * 2);



[ 4, 8, 12 ]

In this example, filter() first selects the even numbers from the numbers array. Then, map() doubles each of those numbers.

Mapping and Reducing

Imagine you have an array of objects representing products and want to calculate the total price of all products after applying a discount.

let products = [
  { name: 'Laptop', price: 1000 },
  { name: 'Phone', price: 500 },
  { name: 'Tablet', price: 750 }

let totalDiscountedPrice = products
  .map(product => product.price * 0.9) // Apply a 10% discount
  .reduce((total, price) => total + price, 0);




Here, map() creates a new array with the discounted prices. Then, reduce() sums up the prices to get the total.

Sorting Mapped Values

Imagine you have an array of strings and want to convert them to uppercase and then sort them alphabetically.

let fruits = ['banana', 'apple', 'cherry'];

let sortedFruits = fruits
  .map(fruit => fruit.toUpperCase())




In this case, map() transforms each fruit name to uppercase, and sort() arranges them alphabetically.

Complex Data Transformation

Let’s assume you have an array of user objects, and you want to get a sorted list of active users' usernames.

let users = [
  { username: 'alice', active: true },
  { username: 'bob', active: false },
  { username: 'charlie', active: true }

let activeUsernames = users
  .filter(user =>
  .map(user => user.username)



[ 'alice', 'charlie' ]

Here, you filter out inactive users, extract their usernames with map(), and sort the usernames alphabetically.

Handling Edge Cases with map()

While the map() function is powerful, handling edge cases is important to prevent unexpected behavior. Let's explore some common scenarios and how to manage them.

Dealing with Empty Arrays

If you apply map() to an empty array, it simply returns another empty array. There's no need to add extra checks for this case.

let emptyArray = [];
let result = => item * 2);


[ ]

Handling Undefined or Null Elements

When your array contains undefined or null values, map() will pass them to your callback function. You need to ensure your function can handle these values without throwing errors.

let values = [1, null, 3, undefined, 5];
let processedValues = => {
  if (value === null || value === undefined) {
    return 0; // Assign a default value
  return value * 2;


[ 2, 0, 6, 0, 10 ]

In this example, we check for null or undefined and assign a default value of 0 before performing the calculation.

Avoiding Holes in Arrays

Arrays can have holes if elements are deleted or uninitialized. The map() function skips these holes, which might lead to unexpected results.

let sparseArray = [1, , 3, , 5]; // Note the missing elements
let doubled = => number * 2);


[ 2, <1 empty item>, 6, <1 empty item>, 10 ]

To handle this, you can use the Array.from() method to create an array without holes before mapping.

let sparseArray = [1, , 3, , 5]; // Note the missing elements
let doubled = => number * 2);

let denseArray = Array.from(sparseArray);
let doubledDense = => number * 2);


[ 2, NaN, 6, NaN, 10 ]

Now, the missing elements are converted to undefined, and you can handle them accordingly.

Managing Asynchronous Operations

The map() function doesn't support asynchronous operations natively. To perform asynchronous tasks, consider using Promise.all() with map().

let urls = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3'];

let fetchPromises = => fetch(url));

  .then(responses => {
    // Handle responses
  .catch(error => {
    // Handle errors

Here, map() creates an array of promises, and Promise.all() waits for all of them to resolve.

Using map() with Callback Functions

The map() method relies on a callback function to process each element in an array. Let's explore different ways to use map() with callback functions.

Using Named Functions

You can pass a named function to map() for better readability, especially when the transformation logic is complex.

function doubleNumber(number) {
  return number * 2;

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let doubledNumbers =;



[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]

In this example, the doubleNumber function is passed as the callback to map(). Each element in the numbers array is doubled, resulting in a new array doubledNumbers.

Using Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions can be used directly within map() for simple transformations.

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let squaredNumbers = {
  return number * number;



[ 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 ]

Here, an anonymous function computes the square of each number in the array.

Using Arrow Functions

Arrow functions offer a concise syntax and are commonly used with map().

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let tripledNumbers = => number * 3);



[ 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 ]

The arrow function number => number * 3 triples each number in the array.

Using Callback Functions with Multiple Parameters

The callback function can accept additional parameters like index and array, providing more context during the mapping process.

let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
let adjustedNumbers =, index) => number - index * 2);



[ 10, 18, 26, 34, 42 ]

In this example, each number is adjusted based on its index in the array.

Using thisArg with map()

The map() method accepts an optional second argument called thisArg, which sets the value of this inside the callback function.

let multiplier = {
  factor: 2

let numbers = [1, 2, 3];
let scaledNumbers = {
  return number * this.factor;
}, multiplier);



[ 2, 4, 6 ]

By passing multiplier as the thisArg, the callback function can access this.factor to scale each number.

Performance Considerations for map()

When using map(), it's important to consider performance. Since map() creates a new array, it consumes additional memory. Therefore, with very large arrays, this extra memory usage can affect your application's efficiency.

Furthermore, while map() offers clean and readable code, traditional loops like for or while loops might execute faster in performance-critical situations. If speed is crucial, consider using a loop instead of map().

Moreover, keep your callback functions simple. Complex operations inside the map() callback can slow down processing. To maintain optimal performance, aim for straightforward transformations.

Finally, use map() only when you need the new array it returns. If you're performing actions without needing the resulting array, methods like .forEach() are more appropriate. This avoids unnecessary memory allocation and enhances performance.


The JavaScript map() function is a powerful tool for array manipulation. By applying a function to each element, it creates a new array with transformed values, making tasks like data conversion and extraction straightforward. Understanding how to use map() effectively allows you to write cleaner, more efficient code.

Reading time: 12 min

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