Docker is an effective and versatile environment built to assist you in the matter of running, creating, as well as deploying apps within containers. One of the significant utilities in it is docker exec
. It permits you to run code within a particular container. Furthermore, you can maintain as well as build a reliable, compact container through it. During creation or installation, it is significant to analyze different operations/configurations and examine the current condition or resolve bugs. Therefore, it offers an environment where commands can be run in dockerized apps.
This tutorial will cover docker exec
, complete with possible use cases and explanations.
You must meet certain prerequisites before beginning the article:
docker ps
, you can determine the ID or name of the container.These requirements are necessary before beginning the setup.
docker exec
permits greater control, enhanced privacy, as well as better security for your apps. It helps users with regarding, management, monitoring, and debugging running apps within the particular container. Explore its features to boost your productivity and automate workflows. In this way, you can run direct commands by performing several operations like opening sessions, shell commands, and even running scripts.
This significantly enhances workflow by enabling interaction with the active/operational app. You can address issues as well as make configurations without the need for a full container restart, which improves efficiency.
The general syntax is:
: These are flags for customizing the behaviour of the particular command. Several options are as below:
: It indicates STDIN
is launched even if not connected.
: It addresses the allocation of a pseudo-TTY.
: It indicates the particular user for running the command.
: It indicates the directory which is working for the particular command.
: It indicates the container ID or name, where instructions are executed.
: This is the script or command that you require to run inside the container
: It represents the additional parameters that are required to be passed to the particular CODE
Through this utility, you can run programs, check logs, and perform other admin operations inside the particular running container by accessing its CLI. It is beneficial for effective management since it increases adaptability and gives more hold of dockerized apps.
Before running the specific command, you should have the minimum of one container that is currently operational. If you do not have it yet, execute the below command by with the particular container name. In our case, we use mynginx
docker run -d --name mynginx nginx
Before beginning, you are required to know the ID or name of the running container. Let’s run the below command to obtain the info on all dockerized apps that are currently operational:
docker ps
In the figure, the operational instance ID is b51dc8e05c77
and the name is mynginx
In this first example, you can run the command in the particular directory of the operational container. To achieve this, the --workdir
or -w
option is used by mentioning the folder name. Look at a use case where the pwd
is run within the operational container mynginx
docker exec --workdir /tmp mynginx pwd
docker exec
: It is the core command to run the command within the operational container.--workdir /tmp
indicates our working directory.mynginx
: It indicates the CONTAINER
name. pwd
: It indicates the executed CODE
within the container.In the figure, the pwd
executes within the particular mynginx
instance and allocates the working directory to /tmp
In this example, execute a single command. For this, first mention the container name or ID, and afterwards, the particular command that you are required to execute. Here, mynginx
is the name of the operational container, and the echo "Hello, Hostman Users!"
is the command:
docker exec mynginx echo "Hello, Hostman Users!"
In the figure, there is an execution of the echo "Hello, Hostman Users!"
command within mynginx
You can execute several commands in a single line statement by splitting them with semicolon. Let’s look at the below statement:
docker exec mynginx /bin/bash ls; free -m; df -h;
In the result, ls
shows the content inside of the mentioned folder, free -m
shows the system memory and df -h
disk space usage. It permits you to analyze the memory state, filesystem, and other info in one statement.
You can enable the shell within the dockerized app. It permits an interface for the file system as well as script execution. Here, the -it
option activates interactive mode and assigns the interface:
docker exec -it mynginx /bin/bash
The figure enables the bash shell interface within mynginx
. But, /bin/bash
is not guaranteed to be present in every image of Docker. Therefore, other shells like sh
can also be enabled.
Now, input exit
and press ENTER to close the interface:
To launch other shells like sh
(which is a symbolic link to bash or another shell), use /bin/sh
in the below statement line:
docker exec -it mynginx /bin/sh
In the figure, the code line launches the shell interface, which is operational.
In this particular use case, enable the session through the b51dc8e05c77
container ID inside the Docker app. Furthermore, you have the ability to interact with the interface as though you directly logged in via the -it
flag. The -t
indicates the assignment of pseudo-TTY, and the -i
opens the STDIN
. Both are beneficial for analysis, debugging, as well as managerial operations:
docker exec -it b51dc8e05c77 bash
Furthermore, you can analyse the information of the current folder inside the particular shell (in a detailed format), e.g., file size, owner, group, number of links, modification date, and file permissions:
ls -l
It gives detailed information on each file as well as the folder that assists you in knowing their attributes and managing them effectively.
You can execute a command as the specific user through the -u
option. It is beneficial when you are permitted to work with specific privileges. It runs the command in the operational container through the particular user and group:
docker exec -u <user>:<group> <container_id> <command>
For instance, the whoami
runs as the www-data
in the mynginx
docker exec -u www-data mynginx whoami
In the figure, www-data
verifies that the particular command is executed successfully with the correct user permissions and within the expected interface.
Sometimes, users prefer not to have any interaction. For such circumstances, they can execute the command without any argument:
docker exec mynginx tail /etc/passwd
The last 10 lines of the passwd
file have been shown. This passwd
file is stored in the /etc/passwd
folder containing the user information. It helps you monitor the user account information, permitting you to quickly check for troubleshooting or update issues.
You may need to pass environment variables to the command that is run in the operational container. To achieve this, use the -e
option as below:
docker exec -e MY_VAR=value mynginx printenv MY_VAR
In the figure, the printenv MY_VAR
is successfully executed in mynginx
when the MY_VAR
is set to value
You can set more than one variable through the -e
docker exec -e TEST=john -e ENVIRONMENT=prod mynginx env
The figure confirms that the two variables TEST
have been set to john
and prod
in the mynginx
You can run commands in the detached mode through the -d
flag. Therefore, it runs in the background:
docker exec -d mynginx sleep 500
The figure confirms that the mynginx
is executing the sleep 500
Here, the --privileged
flag permits you to execute the command, such as mount
, with elevated privileges in the running container:
docker exec --privileged mynginx mount
In the figure, mount
permits the system to create a mount point with the particular permissions in the mynginx
The --help
option shows the manual with a list of available options with concise explanations.
docker exec --help
docker exec
is an effective utility for controlling and interacting with active containers. It is helpful for operations like monitoring, managing, and debugging apps without interfering with their functionality. It permits you to run code, launch shells, customize several configuration aspects, and also set environment variables. Once you become familiar with the usage of this utility, you can manage containers easily. It makes your operations much smoother for creating and deploying apps.