Docker is a popular platform that allows developers to easily manage applications in isolated environments. The platform provides powerful containerization tools, making it indispensable in modern software development. However, to use it effectively, you need to know the basic commands to manage containers and their images. In this article, we'll look at the basic Docker commands that will help you get started with containers.
To make it more convenient, we made several lists of Docker commands, dividing them into thematic groups. You'll learn what a specific Docker command does, followed by code examples.
Creates and launches a container from an image. Accepts various parameters and arguments that define container settings.
Usage examples:
Starting a container in the background, forwarding a port from the host to the container, and passing an environment variable:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -e ENV_VAR=value nginx
Launching a container with a resource limit. In this example, the amount of RAM:
docker run --memory=2g myimage
Starts a stopped container.
Usage examples:
Starting one stopped container:
docker start mycontainer
Starting several:
docker start first_container second_container third_container
Stops a running container. Allows you to terminate the container and disable it.
Usage examples:
Stopping one running container:
docker stop mycontainer
Stopping several:
docker stop first_container second_container third_container
Stop by time (in this example, after 30 seconds):
docker stop -t 30 mycontainer
Restarts the container. Allows you to stop the container and then start it again.
Usage examples:
Restarting one container:
docker restart mycontainer
Restarting several:
docker restart first_container second_container third_container
Restart after a certain time:
docker restart -t 30 mycontainer
Removes one or more containers that are already stopped. Allows you to clear the system of unused containers.
Usage examples:
Removing one container:
docker rm mycontainer
Removing multiple:
docker rm first_container second_container third_container
Forced delete (allows you to delete a container that is currently running):
docker rm -f mycontainer
Displays a list of active containers on the system. Allows you to obtain various information about running containers, including their IDs, names, status, ports, resource usage.
Usage examples:
Displaying a list of only running containers:
docker ps
Displaying a list of all (including stopped ones):
docker ps -a
Displaying the amount of occupied disk space:
docker ps -s
Downloads images from a remote Docker Hub repository. Allows you to access ready-made images.
Usage examples:
Download the latest version of Ubuntu:
docker pull ubuntu
Here, ubuntu
is the image name, but the version is not specified, so the latest one will be loaded.
Download a specific version:
docker pull ubuntu:20.04
Builds a custom Docker image based on a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text file with instructions for building an image, including a base image, installing dependencies, and copying files.
Usage examples:
To build an image from the current directory using the Dockerfile in that directory, use the command:
docker build -t myimage:latest .
Build an image from a remote Git repository that contains a Dockerfile:
docker build -t myimage:latest
Uploads a custom image to Docker Hub or other image repositories. Allows you to share the created image with other Docker users.
Usage examples:
Upload to default repository:
docker push username/myimage:1.0
Uploading to another repository (in this example, the ECR repository):
docker push myecr/myimage:latest
Removes images from localhost. Allows you to free up space by deleting unused or outdated images.
Usage examples:
Removing one image:
docker rmi myimage:1.0
Removing multiple:
docker rmi myimage:1.0 myotherimage:latest
Lists the images on your localhost. It allows you to view information about available images: identifiers, sizes, tags, etc.
Usage examples:
Output of all images:
docker images
Displaying images for a specific repository:
docker images myrepository/myimage
Creates a new Docker volume. Volumes in Docker are persistent data stores that are used by containers to store and share information between them. Volumes allow data to persist even after containers are deleted or restarted.
Usage examples:
Creating a new volume:
docker volume create myvolume
Creation with driver specification:
docker volume create --driver local myvolume
Creating a volume with labels added:
docker volume create --label mylabel=myvalue myvolume
Used to bind the volume to the container at startup. Allows the container to access persistent data storage provided by the volume.
Usage examples:
Bind an existing volume:
docker run -v myvolume:/data myimage
Volume binding indicating additional options (for example, read only):
docker run -v myvolume:/data:ro myimage
Removes a volume from localhost. When deleted, all data associated with this volume will be lost, so be careful.
Usage examples:
Removing a single volume:
docker volume rm myvolume
Removing multiple:
docker volume rm first_volume second_volume third_volume
Lists all available volumes on the local host. Allows you to view existing volumes and obtain information about each volume, including their names, IDs, and additional information, if any.
Example output:
local myvolume1
local myvolume2
Docker Compose runs on top of Docker and allows you to manage multiple containers within a single project. Let's look at the basic commands (the operating principles of most of them are already familiar to you):
docker-compose up
launches the application with all containers, information about which is in docker-compose.yml
. If no file is specified, the default is the file in the current directory;docker-compose down
stops and deletes all containers, as well as volumes associated with them;docker-compose start
starts stopped containers;docker-compose stop
stops running containers without deleting them;docker-compose restart
restarts containers;docker-compose build
allows you to update images or recreate them if they have been changed;docker-compose logs
displays status logs;docker-compose ps
displays the current state of containers;docker-compose pull
downloads the latest versions of images for the services described in the docker-compose.yml
file.We looked at the basic Docker commands that allow you to manage containers and images. As you delve deeper into the platform, you'll see that Docker provides powerful capabilities for developing, testing, and deploying applications while ensuring efficient resource utilization and application isolation. We wish you success!