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Wiki.js is an open-source, highly flexible platform for creating, managing, and sharing documentation or knowledge bases.
Hostman Cloud

Built on Node.js, Wiki.js offers a wide range of modules that allow you to extend and customize its functionality to suit your specific use cases.

Wiki.js supports: 

  • Rich WYSIWYG editing, Markdown, and other markup formats.
  • Version control  for tracking changes and revisions.
  • User authentication management and role-based access control
  • Integration with databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite) and external services (Google Analytics, LDAP, SAML, OAuth).
  • Customization options for styling, layouts, and functionality through extensions and themes.


Your Wiki.js app will run in a Docker container.

Selecting the Wiki.js image in the Marketplace will install the following software on your server:



  • Ubuntu


  • Wiki.js
  • Docker CE
  • Docker Compose Plugin


  • PostgreSQL


Getting Started

  1. Start creating a new Hostman server and select MarketplaceWiki.js.
  2. Select server parameters. 1 GB RAM and 1 CPU core (or 2 cores, for better performance) are enough for running Wiki.js. In most cases, you can start with the minimum configuration and upgrade it, when necessary.
  3. Finish creating your server.

Wait for the server setup to complete and then visit the server’s public IP address in the browser.

You will need to finalize the installation. Create an admin account and provide a domain name for your Wiki.js app, if you have it. Click Install. In a few moments you will be able to login to the app, using the account you just created. 

That’s it! Now you can click Create Home Page and start drafting your knowledge base. For more information, visit the official documentation.

Do you have questions,
comments, or concerns?

Our professionals are available to assist you at any moment,
whether you need help or are just unsure of where to start.
Email us
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