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MinIO is an open-source, high-performance, S3 compatible object storage solution.
Hostman Cloud

MinIO provides scalable storage for unstructured data, making it ideal for modern applications that require massive amounts of data storage, such as AI, machine learning, analytics, and content delivery.


Selecting the MinIO image in the Marketplace will install the following software on your server:

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • MinIO (latest version)

Getting Started

To launch MinIO storage on a cloud server:

  1. Start creating a new Hostman server and select MarketplaceMinio.

  2. Select server parameters. MinIO will run even on the minimum Hostman configuration; however, it is recommended to have at least 8 GB RAM for its smooth operation. You can start with a smaller configuration and later upgrade it if you notice that your MinIO instance requires more resources.

  3. Finish creating your server.

Wait for the installation to complete. When the server is Online, copy its public IP address from the Dashboard and visit http://your_ip_address:9001/ in the browser. Enter login and password for your MinIO installation—they are also available on the Dashboard

To learn more about MinIO and its features, check out the official docs and the GitHub page.

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comments, or concerns?

Our professionals are available to assist you at any moment,
whether you need help or are just unsure of where to start.
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