In software development, "artifact" is a component of a developed software product. Artifacts include executable and binary files, software packages, and more.
As the product's architecture and functionality increase, the number of artifacts grows exponentially, and you need a reliable storage solution that can manage large volumes of artifacts efficiently.
One such solution is Nexus Repository by Sonatype.
Nexus supports over 15 artifact formats, including APT, Docker, Go, Helm, Maven, npm, PyPi, and more.
There are two versions of Nexus Repository:
In this guide, we will install the free version of Nexus Repository.
You can install Nexus Repository on a Linux, Windows, or MacOS machine.
In this guide, we will use a Hostman cloud server running Ubuntu.
The server must meet the following minimum requirements:
The official Sonatype website provides recommended system requirements based on the number of repositories and stored artifacts.
Step 1: Install Java
First, update the package list:
sudo apt update
Then, install Java 8 using OpenJDK:
sudo apt -y install openjdk-8-jre-headless
After installation, verify Java's version:
java -version
If you have multiple Java versions installed, switch to Java 8:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Select the correct version using the TAB key and confirm with Enter.
Step 2: Download and Extract Nexus
We will install Nexus in the /opt
Download the latest Nexus archive:
sudo wget
Extract the archive to /opt
sudo tar -zxvf latest-unix.tar.gz -C /opt
Rename the extracted directory (for easier management):
sudo mv /opt/nexus-3.61.0-02 /opt/nexus
Make sure to specify the correct version number in your case.
Step 3: Create a Dedicated User for Nexus
Create a new user named nexus
sudo adduser nexus
Disable direct login for this user:
sudo usermod nexus -s
Set the correct ownership for Nexus directories:
sudo chown -R nexus:nexus /opt/nexus /opt/sonatype-work
Step 4: Configure Nexus
Edit the Nexus configuration file:
sudo nano /opt/nexus/bin/nexus.rc
Uncomment (remove #
) and set the user as nexus
Save and exit the file.
Step 5: Create a Systemd Service for Nexus
Create a new service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nexus.service
Add the following content:
Description=Nexus Repository Manager
ExecStart=/opt/nexus/bin/nexus start
ExecStop=/opt/nexus/bin/nexus stop
Save and exit the file.
Step 6: Start and Enable Nexus
Start Nexus:
sudo systemctl start nexus
Check Nexus status:
systemctl status nexus
If the status is active
, Nexus is running successfully.
Enable Nexus to start on boot:
sudo systemctl enable nexus
Step 7: Verify Nexus Startup
Nexus takes 2-3 minutes to fully start. To check the logs:
tail -f /opt/sonatype-work/nexus3/log/nexus.log
Once you see:
Started Sonatype Nexus OSS
Nexus is ready.
By default, the Nexus web interface is accessible on port 8081:
Step 1: Log into Nexus
cat /opt/sonatype-work/nexus3/admin.password
.Step 2: Initial Configuration
Nexus is now ready to use.
Step 1: Create a Docker Repository
Step 2: Configure the Repository
Nexus supports three types of repositories:
For a Docker repository:
Step 3: Configure Docker to Work with Nexus
By default, Docker does not allow HTTP connections. To enable HTTP access:
Edit or create the Docker daemon configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
Add the following configuration:
"insecure-registries": [""]
(Replace with your Nexus server IP and port.)
Save and exit the file.
Restart the Docker service:
sudo systemctl restart docker
Warning: Restarting Docker affects running containers. Containers without the
flag may not restart automatically.
Step 4: Push a Docker Image to Nexus
Log in to Nexus via Docker:
docker login
You can use the admin username and the password you set earlier.
Tag an image (e.g., alpine):
docker tag alpine:latest
Verify the new tag:
docker images
Push the image to Nexus:
docker push
Confirm the upload:
Your Nexus repository is now set up for Docker image storage!
The correct approach when working with Docker repositories is to use the HTTPS protocol. To configure HTTPS in Nexus, follow these steps:
Navigate to the /opt/nexus/etc/ssl
cd /opt/nexus/etc/ssl
Use keytool
to generate a self-signed certificate:
sudo keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore.jks -storepass test12345 -keypass test12345 -alias jetty -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 1000 -dname "CN=*.${NEXUS_DOMAIN}, OU=test, O=test1, L=Unspecified, ST=Unspecified, C=RU" -ext ",IP:" -ext "BC=ca:true"
Replace the following values with your own:
-keystore keystore.jks
— Name of the file where the key will be stored, using the .jks
format.-storepass test12345
— Password for accessing the key store.-keypass test12345
— Password for accessing the private key.-ext ",IP:"
— Specifies your Nexus server's domain name and IP address.If a local domain is used, it must be added to the /etc/hosts
file (for Linux) or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
in Windows.
Next, extract the server certificate from the generated keystore.jks
file using the following command:
sudo keytool -export -alias jetty -keystore keystore.jks -rfc -file nexus.cert
The output will be a certificate file named nexus.cert
Now, edit the Nexus configuration file located in /opt/nexus/etc
sudo nano /opt/nexus/etc/
Find the section with the comment # Jetty section
, and add the following parameter:
This specifies the port where HTTPS will be available.
In the same section, add this line:
Next, edit the jetty-https.xml
file located in /opt/nexus/etc/jetty
sudo nano /opt/nexus/etc/jetty/jetty-https.xml
, KeyManagerPassword
, TrustStorePassword
, enter the password used during certificate generation. In this example, the password is test12345
and TrustStorePath
, specify the name of the generated certificate.After making these changes, restart the Nexus service:
sudo systemctl restart nexus
In Linux, we must install the certificate at the OS level. Otherwise, when trying to authenticate to the repository using the docker login command, the following error may occur:
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
To install the certificate on Ubuntu/Debian, follow these steps:
Install the ca-certificates
sudo apt -y install ca-certificates
The certificate must be in .crt
format, as other formats are not supported. Since the certificate was generated as .cert
, rename it to .crt
sudo mv nexus.cert nexus.crt
Copy the certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
sudo cp nexus.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
Install the certificate using the following command:
sudo update-ca-certificates
To configure HTTPS in the repository:
docker login
command, specifying the repository address and HTTPS port:docker login
You can log in using the admin account.
To test pushing an image, let's use nginx
Assign a tag to the image. The format for Docker image tags is as follows:
image:tag registry_address:repository_port/image_name
docker tag nginx:latest
Verify that the new image exists:
docker images
Push the image to the repository:
docker push
Open the Nexus web interface, navigate to the repository, and confirm that the image was successfully uploaded.
Nexus Repository is an excellent solution for storing and managing artifacts. Supporting a wide range of artifact formats, it is suitable for both small development teams and larger enterprises.