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10 Best Python IDEs and Code Editors 2024

10 Best Python IDEs and Code Editors 2024
9 min read
Hostman Team
Technical writer

Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a package of software tools and capabilities designed to help developers write code. An integrated environment containing tools for code editing, debugging, testing, and other development tasks is usually offered by Python IDEs. These environments provide capabilities like code completion, syntax highlighting, and project management and are intended to make the development process more efficient.

Python Code Editor

A code editor is a more basic tool designed mostly for editing code. Code editors are quick, light, and very configurable, even though they might not have all of the sophisticated capabilities of IDEs. Code editors are frequently chosen by developers due to their speed and ease of use. Code editors can be used with a variety of programming languages, and they frequently allow plugins or extensions that offer features unique to Python development.

Choosing the right Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or code editor is important and will have a big influence on how you build applications. Here are key factors to consider when making your choice:

  • Usability

Consider on the general usability and user interface. Especially for beginners, a straightforward and user-friendly integrated development environment (IDE) or code editor can increase productivity.

  • Features and Integrated Tools

Explore the functions that the code editor or IDE has to offer. Syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging tools, version control integration, and support for virtual environments are examples of standard characteristics. Project management features, testing frameworks, and build systems are examples of integrated tools. The IDE's built-in tools can help you optimize your productivity.

  • Flexibility 

Think about if plugins or extensions are supported by the code editor or IDE. With flexibility, you can easily incorporate third-party products and alter your environment to suit your unique requirements.

  • Compatibility

Select an IDE or code editor that is cross-platform compatible. This ensures a consistent experience if you are working on different operating systems. 

  • Language and Community Support

Make sure the tool has top-notch Python support. It may seem apparent, but selecting a tool that is tailored to Python development requirements is essential

Consider the community's strength and the developers' level of support. A thriving community guarantees easy access to extensions, tutorials, and help, and continuous support keeps the tool updated.

  • Performance

Assess the IDE's or code editor's performance, paying particular attention to how well it handles the quantity and complexity of your projects. Verify that the tool functions properly on your workstation.

  • Cost

Think about how much the IDE will cost. Some can only be used with a license, but others are free and open source. Determine whether the features, given your needs and budget, outweigh any related costs.

  • Version update and maintenance

To ensure compatibility with the most recent Python versions, introduce new features, and repair issues, regular upgrades and maintenance by the developers are necessary.

  • Customization

Being able to customize the setting to what you prefer can have an important effect on how comfortable and productive you are when developing.

10 Best Python IDEs and Code Editors in 2024

Here are the popular Python IDEs and code editors: 

  1. PyCharm
  2. Spyder
  3. Eclipse PyDev
  4. IDLE
  5. Wing

Here are the best Python Code Editor: 

  1. Emacs
  2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Sublime Text
  4. Atom
  5. VIM


PyCharm is widely regarded as the finest IDE for Python developers, with the majority of professional developers using it in various industries. It is a cross-platform IDE created by the Czech company JetBrains. One really useful aspect is that it provides daily advice to help you become more knowledgeable about how to use it more effectively. There are two versions available: the professional version requires payment, while the community version is available for free. Here are a few other features of this IDE.


  • Code completion, syntax highlighting, debugging tools, testing support, and integration with well-known web frameworks

  • Intelligent code assistance

  • Built-in testing tools

  • Powerful debugger


  • Learning curve. PyCharm might have a steeper learning curve compared to simple editors. 

  • Cost for professional version 

  • Start-up time might be longer than a lighter weight editor. 


Another excellent Python-based cross-platform and open-source IDE is called Spyder. It is the lightest Python IDE and goes by the name Scientific Python Development IDE. Data scientists who are proficient in integrating Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, Cython, IPython, SymPy, and other open-source software are the primary users of it. It has some nice advanced features including edit, debug, and data exploration, and it comes with the Anaconda package manager distribution. Here are a few other features of this IDE.


  • Designed for Scientific Computing.

  • Interactive Console.

  • Integrated Variable Explore.

  • Matplotlib Integration.

  • NumPy and SciPy Integration.


  • Heavy Resource Usage.

  • Not as Lightweight as Simple Editors.

  • Limited General-Purpose IDE Features.

Eclipse PyDev

Combining the Eclipse IDE platform with the PyDev plugin, Eclipse with PyDev is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python development. First popularized in the Java programming community, the Eclipse IDE is an open-source, extremely extendable IDE. On the other side, Aptana Inc. created PyDev, an Eclipse plugin for the Python IDE.


  • It is compatible with a number of programming languages, and PyDev easily interacts with it to offer Python development features.

  • It supports Django, a popular Python web framework.

  • Integrated debugger.


  • Some users might find the learning curve more challenging, particularly those who are unfamiliar with the Eclipse IDE or who would rather use lighter, more straightforward editors.

  • It can be resource-intensive, particularly for larger projects.

  • Challenges with Customizing Interfaces.


IDLE is a specialized software or platform for creating Python apps. It is a feature-rich editor for writing, editing, and running Python programs. It can also be used to run single statements, much like the Python Shell. IDLE for Python would be quite beneficial, particularly for novices. 

Notable features include call hints, code context, auto-indentation, basic syntax highlighting, and auto-completion of the code. There is a debugging tool included as well. One of IDLE's fundamental functions is Stack Viewer, which aids in tracking down the fault or exception that was encountered. Customizing fonts, keys, extensions, highlights, and other elements is also possible. IDLE is freely available and open-sourced.


  • Lightweight and simple.

  • Bundled with Python.

  • Provides basic features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and an interactive Python shell.


  • Limited features for advanced development.

  • Limited customization options.

  • Lacks advanced project management features.


An integrated development environment (IDE) made especially for Python is called Wing. It is produced by Wingware and is renowned for its emphasis on giving Python developers access to an effective toolkit.


  • Well-known for its powerful interactive debugger.

  • Provides strong code intelligence capabilities, such as syntax highlighting, code navigation, and intelligent auto-completion.

  • Allows for customizations and expansion via scripting.


  • It is a commercial product that needs a license to use its full-featured Professional edition.

  • Users may experience slower performance and increased memory usage for large projects or less powerful machines.


Emacs was founded by Richard Stallman in 1976. The software is completely customizable, free, and compatible with all systems. For customization, Emacs leverages a version of the robust Lisp programming language; for Python development, a variety of customization scripts are available.


  • It comes with an integrated package system (package.el) that makes it simple for users to add and manage packages, increasing the editor's capabilities.

  • It has several powerful text editing tools, such as numerous built-in commands, comprehensive keyboard shortcuts, and sophisticated search and replace.

  • It allows users to customize virtually every aspect of the editor by writing scripts in Emacs Lisp.


  • It has steep learning curve

  • It can be resource intensive when working with large files or complex tasks.

  • Its unconventional interface deviates from the norms of contemporary apps by largely depending on keyboard shortcuts.

Visual Studio Code

A highly customizable, lightweight code editor developed by Microsoft, with a vast selection of extensions and excellent Python support.


  • It provides a large marketplace of extensions and supports a broad variety of programming languages right out of the box.

  • It has strong code editing tools like code navigation, syntax highlighting, and IntelliSense (code completion).

  • Integrated Git Version Control.


  • Customization complexity

  • It can consume a large amount of system resources when working with large projects or multiple extensions.

  • Users with less powerful computers can run into performance problems.

Sublime Text

A complex and well-liked text editor for prose, markup, and code editing is called Sublime Text. It is renowned for its quickness, ease of use, and wide range of customization possibilities. Will Bond and Jon Skinner created Sublime Text.


  • Known for its speed and performance.

  • It supports a wide range of plugins and extensions.

  • It introduces the concept of multiple selection, that allows users to make changes in various sections of a document simultaneously. 


  • It is not free.

  • It has less frequent updates.

  • It has limited integrated tools.


GitHub created the open-source text editor Atom. It is renowned for having an up-to-date interface and being extensible and flexible. Since Atom is meant to be a hackable text editor, users can add new features and personalize the program with a variety of packages and themes.


  • Open source and free.

  • Modern and user-friendly interface.

  • Highly extensible and customizable. 


  • Slower start up time.

  • Less mature ecosystem and packages and themes. 

  • Limited built-in features.


Vim is a cross-platform, open-source text editor. On macOS and UNIX computers, it comes pre-installed; however, you must download it for Windows. This text editor functions both as a stand-alone program and as a command-line interface.


  • It allows for quick navigation, editing, and manipulation of text using keyboard shortcuts.

  • It is highly customizable and extensible.

  • It is easily accessible on a variety of servers and development environments because it comes pre-installed on many Unix-like systems.


  • It is not beginner-friendly.

  • Limited out-of-the-box features.

  • Steep learning curve.

In a nutshell, IDE offers a full suite of tools for coding, testing, and debugging, whereas a code editor is solely designed for editing code and is typically more lightweight and adaptable. Depending on personal preferences, project objectives, and the difficulty of the development activities, one can choose between an IDE and a code editor.


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