MonicaHQ is an open-source CRM tool for your personal life. Keep track of all the important details about your family, friends, acquaintances, and business partners.
With MonicaHQ, you can:
Deploy a self-hosted MonicaHQ application with Hostman to ensure the security and full control of your data.
Selecting the MonicaHQ image in the Hostman Marketplace will install the following software on your machine:
Software |
Version |
22.04 |
Latest |
Latest version available in the Ubuntu repository |
8.1 |
18 |
To launch your Monica app:
Start creating a new Hostman server or reinstalling an existing one and select Marketplace → MonicaHQ.
Select server parameters. It is recommended to use at least 1.5 GB for RAM for a smooth operation.
Finish creating your server.
Setting up the server and deploying MonicaHQ will take a few minutes, and then the server status will change to online.
Copy your public IP address from the Dashboard and navigate to it in the browser. You may see a notification about an insecure connection because by default MonicaHQ uses HTTP. Click Advanced and proceed to your app.
You will be prompted to register an account. Enter your name, email address, and provide a strong password (must be at least 8 characters and include at least 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 special character), and register.
That’s it! Now you can start working with MonicaHQ.
You might want to set a domain name and issue an SSL certificate so you can connect to your MonicaHQ app securely.
Make sure the domain name hasthe server’s IP address as its A record.
Next, connect to your server via SSH and open the etc/apache2/sites-available/monica.conf
nano etc/apache2/sites-available/monica.conf
Find the ServerName
line and enter your domain as its value.
Save the file and restart Apache:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Install certbot
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache
And run this command to issue and install a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate:
certbot --apache
Find more about Monica and its features on the official website and GitHub page.